Chapter 13: Sanctuary

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 (This is the final chapter! Thank you all so much for staying along on this wild journey! Fraxus supremacy! P.S. a sprinkle of spice is ahead ;))

Freed slowly opened his eyes and was met with the beaming lights of the infirmary. He sighed and rolled his eyes, he was getting real tired of waking up in infirmary beds.

"I bet you're getting tired of waking up in here."

Freed turned to see who had read his mind and saw Makarov standing at the infirmary's doors. Everything that happened the night before came back to him and he felt a lump grow in his throat.

"Master, I-" Freed began.

"Stop. There's no use in apologizing," Makarov waved him off, "you did nothing wrong."

Freed dropped his head, "how can you say that? I put the guild in danger."

Makarov burst out laughing and Freed raised his head. "This is Fairy Tail! We're always in danger and it's almost always someone in the guild's fault." Makarov walked up to Freed and put Freed's hands in his. "We're a family, Freed. You know that. We will always lay down our lives for each other, no matter what." He picked Freed's head up, "Are you ready to come back home now?"

Freed could feel his eyes begin to water. He nodded his head yes and let out a soft sob, while Makarov wiped away his tears. He hesitated before asking, "Master... how's Laxus?"

Makarov smiled at him, "You don't need to worry about him. He's been here by your side the whole time. I had to get Elfman and Gajeel in here to pry him away so he'd take care of his own wounds, that idiot."

A blush hit Freed's cheeks and he averted his eyes away from Makarov.

"I'll leave you to rest, we're throwing a victory party tomorrow so make sure you're ready to drink your weight in ale!" Makarov made his way to the infirmary doors, but before leaving he turned back to say, "Oh, and you have another visitor waiting for you."

Freed looked over to see Damian standing outside the infirmary doors.

"I'll leave the two of you alone," with a nod to Damian, Makarov left the infirmary.

The infirmary doors closed and the two were left in an awkward silence. Freed was looking at his own interlocked hands trying to find the right words to say.

"Listen I-" The both of them said at the same time.

They both stopped and looked at each other. Damian let out a soft chuckle, while Freed turned his head away.

"I'm leaving," Damian blurted out.

Freed jerked his head back to Damian, "what? When?"



"My work here is done."

Freed got up from his bed and walked closer to Damian, "You know you can stay. Fairy Tail always welcomes new members."

Damian gave a smile to Freed, "This place is pretty lively." He caressed Freed's arms, "But Alexander and I need a fresh start. Somewhere with no reminders of our past. Somewhere we can move on from all of the damage he caused."

"What about me? What if I lose control of my powers again?" Freed sulked.

"You won't. Trust me, there is no way I'd leave without knowing you'd be taken care of." Damian looked at Freed's saddened expression and couldn't help but say, "I might be persuaded to stay if you said you loved me."

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