Chapter 5: The Battlemaster

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I realize Shepard doesn't become Spectre until he revokes Saren's Spectre status...oops.


Enjoy the chapter and thank you for the support!

You load a new thermal clip into your sub machine gun as the elevator door slides open. Walking out of the elevator, you head to the alley way that will take you to Chora's Den.

"You look like a guy with a plan." A deep voice comments. You look to your right and see a krogan in red battle armor leaning against the wall. "You remember me?"

"Yeah. You were arguing with some bouncer's earlier. Then you stormed out of the bar before they were able to toss you out."

"Yep. Have been hanging around down here ever since. Even saw you walk down an alley then not too long after I heard some gunshots. Next thing I know the door here flies open and a dozen or so of Fist's men come flying out." Wrex says with a smirk.

"That could have been anyone." You say.

"But if it was you?"

"But if it was me I might have an issue with Fist's people shooting at me." You reply, crossing your arms and giving the krogan a nod of understanding. "Plus I might have some more issues with him."

"And I am sure that your gun there is not for show?"

"I am sure yours aren't for show either." He chuckles and pulls out his shotgun.

"Let's go take that bastard down!" Wrex cheers. You follow Wrex into the alley and head up to the door where is a bouncer is standing.

"Now is your chance to get out of here." You tell him. He looks at the two of you and your weapons then nods his head.

"Fist is in the way back." He says. "I...uhhh."

"Just get the hell out of here before you end up as a smear on the floor." Wrex grunts. He bouncer runs and the two of you enter the club.

"Attention patrons of Chora's Den!" You yell after letting off a burst from your machine gun. "We are now closed. Please leave immediately or risk getting shot! Thank you!" People turn thier heads and only look at you. "I said leave or get shot!" You let off another burts, causing a few tiles to fall from the ceiling. People start to scream and flood past you the two of you flip over a pair of tables.

"Come out Fist!" Wrex yells. Gun fire starts to come from the back of the club and you spray with your submachine gun, taking down two of his guards before you drop behind the table. You pull out you shotgun and climb onto the stage above the bar, shooting down at the guards at they flood endlessly out of the back room.

"No point in trying!" You yell. A group of them clump up and you charge into one of them, knocking him out of the picture as you nova slam into the ground and send the rest crumpling to the floor. You turn and watch Wrex blast a guard with a shotgun and send him crashing into a table.

"Looks like they did not put up much of a fight after all." Wrex grunts as the two of you enter the back room.

"I thought you krogan loved getting into fights? Wouldn't you have liked it to be more of a challenge." Wrex grunts as the two of you walk up on some workers aiming pistols at you.

"We won't let you get to Fist." Wrex aims his shotgun at them, but you push the barrel down.

"Look...just...just go." You tell them. "You are going to shoot at us, miss, and then be dead before you finger leaves the trigger." They look at each other and nod.

"Yeah...this is not worth it." They drop their pistols and jog past you.

"Time to take down Fist!" Wrex charges into the back room.  You follow close behind.

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