Chapter 6: The C-Sec Officer

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The Next Day

"Look kid I see a lot of turians in C-Sec gear. There are three standing just over there." The shop owner replies. You sigh deeply and tap your hands on the counter.

"You have been a real help." You say sarcastically before turning away from him. You walk away and look around the area. Eventually you lean against the railing and look out at the Citadel, watching the cars speed by. Out of the corner of your eye, you notice a lone C-Sec officer making his way towards the medical bay.

"Worth a shot." You say with a sigh as you push away from the railing and walk to the medical wing. You fail to catch up to him, but you follow through the door that he entered.

"Just give us the fucking supplies!" You hear a voice yell as you walk down a short hallway. You draw your pistol and start to jog forward. The door slides open and you see a group of armed men surrounding a doctor as well as a turian taking cover behind a half wall in front of you.

"Who the fuck is that?" One of them asks. The turian you followed pops up from behind cover and starts firing. You let off a few shots before charging forward and knocking one of the men over a half wall. You rock another one in the jaw before shooting another in the head. The rest are taken down with precision shots coming from behind you. The final thug falls and you turn around.

"Doctor are you alright?" You ask.

"I am, thank you." She responds.

"Dr. Michel has been being harassed by these men for a while now. Got here just in time to make sure that they were dealt with. Thank you for you help...?"

"(F/N), (F/N) (L/N)." You respond. "You are?"

"Garrus Vikarian. C-Sec officer." He answers.

"Here, these are for the both of you." Dr. Michel brings some medi-gel forward. "And I will transfer credits to the both of you."

"It is no issue doctor. Glad that I was able to be in the right place at the right time." You respond.

"If you ever need medical treatment, you know where to find me." She says.

"I would like to speak with you, but if you could give me a moment to talk to Dr. Michel."

"Yeah sure. I will be waiting outside." You head back out of the clinic, continuing to gaze out at life on the lower part of the Citadel. After a while, you hear the door open behind you.

"Glad you were able to come in for the assist. I assume that you are Alliance military."

"I am a Lieutenant in the Fifth Fleet."

"Special operations I presume? Not many normal Alliance troopers can do a biotic charge like that." Garrus says as he leans on the railing next to you.

"My affinity for close quarters combat along with my abilities got me scouted to have the L5n implant."

"Impressive. Mind if I ask what you are doing at the Citadel instead of causing chaos on a battlefield?"

"Couple reasons, but I am specifically at the clinic because I am looking for you Garrus." You respond.

"Me? What do you want with me?" He asks.

"I believe you ran into Commander Shepard earlier outside of the Councilor offices?"

"Yes, I was talking to Executor Pallin about...well that is classified as to what I"

"Shepard is talking to the Council right now and is getting Saren's Spectre status revoked." Garrus sits in silence for a moment.


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