Chapter 16: Feros Part 2

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Getting through a bit of the exposition part of the mission in this chapter. Planning to wrap it up next chapter and get to more non game interactions with Tali and others. Thank you for reading!

"Got the water restored." You say over comms as you head up a staircase back towards the center of the colony.

"Copy that. Williams and I took care of the food and power cell issue." Shepard answers. "Meeting you back at the colony center." You continue up, eventually finding your two other squad mates talking to Dan.

"We will get it done." Shepard says.

"What are we getting done boss?" You ask.

"Heading over to ExoGeni headquarters."

"You know the usual: geth, refugees, some data." Williams says.

"A lovely time." You respond. "Well let's get moving."

"Joker do you copy?"

"What's up commander?"

"I'm going to need the Mako dropped at these coordinates."

"Roger that bossman." You hear the Normandy flying overhead as the three of you reach the top of the staircase.

"Bit of a hike to the HQ?" You ask.

"Bit of a hike with more than a bit of geth." Shepard answers. "This will help us punch through quite easily." The ground shakes as the Mako lands near the three of you.

"God I love this thing." You happily as you climb into the gunner seat and tap at the controls." Shepard takes off across the sky bridge as you survey for targets.

"Geth ahead!" Williams calls. You let loose fire from the cannon, gunning down your targets as Shepard expertly maneuvers around them.

"Target the Armatures (L/N)." Shepard calls as you swivel the gun to face the larger geth.

"With pleasure." A rocket rips from the Mako's gun and crashes into the target geth.

"We have been getting some radio chatter Commander." Williams calls as she taps at the console of the tank.

"Try to pin it down Williams. There may be survivors in the headquarters." Shepard says as you finish off the last of the geth.

"I got something."

"Sounds like some idle chatter." You comment as the radio continues to transmit.

"Seems like the source of it is just ahead." Williams says.

"Get us through these geth (L/N)." Shepard says as more drop in. You continue to fire on the geth as the radio chatter becomes clearer.

"Sounds like we have some survivors up ahead commander." Williams says as the fighting outside begins to settle down. The Mako hums on, traversing the battered skyway and heading into weigh station.

"Shhh! I hear a vehicle coming." You hear a hushed voice say over the radio.

"They must be close." Shepard remarks. "Disembark and find them." The three of you exit the armored vehicle and begin the scavenge the area. You head down a ramp and round a corner where you are met with a few firearms pointed at you.

"I found them Shepard." You say over the comms as you stow your shotgun. "Easy there guys. We are here to help."

"Oh thank god." A woman sighs. "You cleared out all of the geth on the way over here?" You nod in response. "Well this day is slowly getting better." Shepard and Williams join the group with Shepard taking over the conversation.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2023 ⏰

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