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"DiNozzo's, McGee, Ziva, we gotta go, we got a dead marine, just outside of Quantico." Gibbs, grabs his coat off the chair before rushing to the elevator, the four others behind him.

Getting inside the car the five drive, in two different cars, to the house of the dead officer.

"The dead marine is Doug Nolan, his wife found him half an hour ago, laying on a swimming mattress in their pool. She immediately contacted the authorities." Explains Gibbs quickly to them over the phone before hanging up. He and McGee drive in one car while Tony, Ziva and Laura sit in the other.

Arriving at the crime scene, Tony grabs the camera out of the trunk throwing it at his sister, who catches it, before putting the NCIS cap on her head. Throwing him a dirty look, she takes the cap back off, putting her hair in a ponytail before putting the cap back on.

"You just ruined my perfect hair, Tones." Tony smirks at his sister, shaking his head before grabbing another hat putting is on his head.

"Hey, McGeek!" Tony looks at the man throwing another cap at him, hitting him straight in the face, because of him not paying attention to the older man while grabbing a notepad. "Ow, Tony!"

Snickering to themselves, Tony and Laura look at each other before looking over at Gibbs and Ziva who are both already approaching the house. Quickly following them, with McGee in tow, they walk through the house into the garden, just in time to see two men grabbing the swimming mattress with the dead marine on it.

Stopping them before they remove the man from the mattress, Laura takes a few pictures, before nodding at the crime scene crew to take the man off the mattress.

Walking past the Agents, Ducky, walks up to the body, that has been placed on the ground, and inspects it. The older man grabs the marines arm lifting it, to show the five Agents. Carved into the man's arm is the word 'coward'.

"Seems like it was personal." Comments Ziva staring at the arm.

Taking another picture of the arm, Laura kneels next to the man, strangulation marks on his neck and a gunshot wound on his forehead, catching her attention, taking more pictures, she looks at Ducky, who meets her eyes for a split second.

"Despite him being found an half hour ago, seeing his state he was dead for at least three." States the Doctor.

Looking to her side Laura sees the marine's wife silently crying, while watching them inspect her husband. Following her glance, Gibbs looks at Ziva. "Ziva, the wife. Get her inside and interview her, maybe she knows something."

"On it, boss." Nodding the dark haired woman, walks away from the group towards the woman. The silver haired man looks back at the remaining Agents. "McGee, go back to the office and find out anything this man has done. Tony, bagging and tagging. Laura photos. Help McGee, when you're finished." Nodding the two look at each other.

"Boss," starts Tony looking at something at the entrance to the garden, "I think we got a problem."

"What do you mean, DiNozzo?" Looking at what Tony means the man sighs. Laura looks up from the body following both men's glances, she raises an eyebrow, seeing the familiar figure of Fornell, followed by a group of three others, probably other FBI Agents.

"Seems like I will deal with them. Now get to work." He says before walking over to the FBI Agents, Tony, Laura and McGee share a glance, before they get to their work. McGee walks away, back to the cars while Tony takes out a notepad and Laura goes back to taking pictures of the crime scene.

After a good ten minutes Gibbs walks up to her, the three unknown FBI Agents behind him and no sign of Fornell.

"DiNozzo, show these Agents the crime scene." Laura raises an eyebrow at the three behind him, before looking back at Gibbs, seeing his expression she knows that he won't let any room for argumentation, so she nods. "Got it, boss."

"Good, take Tony with you and get back to the office, as soon as you're finished, I'll meet you there then." Without waiting for an answer he walks away.

Looking at the three Agents she helds out her hand. "Laura DiNozzo, nice to meet you."

Taking her hand the brunette woman nods at her. "Emily Prentiss, these are Agent Morgan and Doctor Spencer Reid."

Nodding at the other two, the smaller brunette points at the mattress. "The wife found Doug Nolan, swimming on the mattress on the pool about half an hour ago and called the authorities, our ME said that he's been dead for around three hours. When we arrived we found him with the word 'coward' carved in his arm, strangulation marks on his neck and a gun shot to his head. For more informations we have to wait for the ME report. We also found some blood splatters on the mattress, probably from the victim himself."

Laura clenches the camera that hangs from her neck and points at the mattress at the last part. Nodding the FBI Agents walk closer to the mattress. Morgan kneels in front of it, inspecting it slowly, he then looks at Reid, gesturing for him to take a closer look.

"Where is the body now?" Asks Emily from next to Laura looking at the brunette questioning. Looking around the DiNozzo sees Ducky leaving, the body already out of sight. "Our ME has taken it with him already, but you can look at it at his office."

"Hey, Laura!" Shouts Tony from a bit farther away, excusing herself, Laura walks to her brother, who keeps staring at the Agents. "Stop staring at them, man, it's creepy."

Tony looks away from them when Laura approaches. "Are we working with the FBI now?"

The woman shrugs. "It seems like it. I haven't had the chance to ask Gibbs why, he just left after telling me to explain them the situation."

Tony throws an suspicious look at the Agents. "Are they even allowed to be here. I though they need to have at least three victims before they have jurisdiction."

"I know that, but I wasn't in the mood to argue with Gibbs, he also didn't seem to be in a particularly good mood." Laura points out while staring at her brother.

Looking away from the Agent's Tony takes a step back after seeing his sister staring him down. "Whoa, stop doing that."

Rolling her eyes, Laura looks away from him for a second looking back to the FBI Agents. "Anyway, have you got something?"

Tony smirks before lifting an evidence bag. "Say hello, to our dear friend, Jack."

Inside the bag is a small bottle of Jack Daniel's, raising an eyebrow the brunette smirks up at her brother. "Hello Jackie."

Rolling his eyes, Tony hits her arm before pointing at the Agents who slowly make their way over to them. "Let's get this to Abby, and see what our dear guests have to do with all of this."

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