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"Abby, we got some stuff for you." Greets Laura the woman when the four of them enter her lab.

Abby stops playing with drum sticks to the beat of the music, after hearing Laura's greeting. "Ah my favourite siblings, and they brought guests!"

She greets them brightly, while Tony puts the box with the letters on the table in her lab. After quick introductions the dark haired woman gets back to the case. She walks over to the box standing on the table. "So what have you got for me?"

"We found that box, in the Nolan's storage unit, it's full with letters from Doug to Rebecca, we thought maybe you could find something in them, or tell us how old they are exactly, because they are not dated." Laura starts, before looking at Morgan telling him to give the gun to Abby.

"Reid and I also found this gun, in the Jones' unit, think you can find out if it's the gun that was fired at Nolan and the others?" The dark skinned man raises the evidence bag in his hand, the gun inside.

Nodding eagerly, the woman grabs the bag, putting it next to the box. "I can do that."

"Okay, thanks Abbs." Tony turns around only to be met with the figure of Gibbs walking inside, Prentiss behind him. "Not so fast DiNozzo."

He holds up a scarf in a evidence bag. "This was hidden in the back of a box in the Nolan's house, somebody didn't want this to be found, probably because of the blood splatters on it. Check if it's Nolan's blood." He throws the bag onto the table, next to the box and gun.

Laura forrows her eyebrows. "Why didn't they just torched it?"

"Often times unsubs like to keep something that reminds them of the kill, a trophy, if that's the case, then that would make Rebecca Nolan even more of a suspect." Explains Prentiss to her.

Gibbs eyes the box and gun before looking at Laura. "We have Mrs. Nolan in custody, Rossi and Hotchner are right now interrogating her." Nodding at him, the man continues. "We still have Natalie Jones, I want you to interrogate her again, maybe a woman will help her remember more."

Nodding at him, Prentiss interrupts. "I'll come with you."

Gibbs nods agreeing and the two women leave Abby's lab.

Arriving at Natalie's interrogation room, Prentiss and Laura share a look. "Ladies first." Smiles Laura pointing at the door.

Shaking her head smiling, Prentiss opens the door, catching Jones' eyes. The woman sits up straighter, when the door closes behind Laura. "Agents."

Prentiss and Laura nod at her, before the FBI woman sits down in the chair in front of Natalie, Laura standing behind her. Looking from woman to woman, Natalie clears her throat slightly. "What- what have you got, Agents?"

"Do you know about the whereabouts of your gun, Mrs. Jones." Asks Prentiss. Shaking her head Natalie looks confused at the dark haired woman.

"No, no, I haven't seen it in a while. Ben took it,- he said that he used it, to kill Doug and the others." Natalie gulps, looking down at her hands.

"Mrs. Jones, why exactly didn't you go to the police, once you found out what Bejamin and Mrs. Nolan did?" Laura walks closer to the table.

The woman's eyes fill with tears, and she opens her mouth and closes her mouth for a few second before speaking. "I- I don't know, I just- I thought that I could, that maybe I could-" she stops, trying to find the right words. "I don't know what I thought. I was scared, I guess. I went to talk to Rebecca, tried to find out if what Ben said was true. I just didn't want to go to the police to get him arrested when nothing happened?"

"And you thought that Rebecca would admit, to killing her husband and his friends?" Questions Laura sceptically. Natalie shakes her head slowly. "No- no, I-I-" The woman stops, trying to catch her breath while the tears flow down her face. She puts her head in her hands, before looking back up. "It's my fault, that he's dead isn't it. Ben is dead because of me, right?"

Natalie looks desperate between the two Agents, who couldn't do anything but watch her helplessly and letting her continue to ramble. "If I would have just gone to the police, she may have been in prison, and Ben would be still alive."

Interrupting her monologue, Prentiss puts her hand on Natalie's. "Mrs. Jones, if it calms your nerves, we have Mrs. Nolan right now in custody."

Looking up from their hands, Natalie meets, Prentiss' eyes. "You- you do?"

Nodding their head in unison, Emily, smiles at her reassuring. "Yes, so if you could tell us anything that might help us bring justice to your husband, please do."

Nodding her head sniffling, Natalie bites her lip. "I'm- I'm trying I really am, but all I know is what Ben told me."

"Well, why don't we start there, tell us what he told you." Laura walks closer to the table, putting a hands on the table.

"Well, he told me that he and Rebecca had this plan. She wanted to get rid of Doug, he apparently cheated on her, and she wanted revenge. Ben said that one day she came to him and asked if he wanted revenge for what those men did to my brother, and what that did to me-" she stops, and takes a deep breath. "He told her that he would do it, I don't know what he was thinking. So he took my gun, and then they first killed, Neal, then Shane, Rick and then Doug. He- he didn't tell me any details, he just, told me that they killed them."

Laura nods, looking at Emily for a second before looking back at Jones. "Does the word coward, mean something specific to you. Have you used it on Doug, for example?"

"Yeah, yeah I did. I have talked to him once after he came back from Iraq, and I was so- so angry, I just screamed at him and- and I called him a coward for not standing up for his doings." Explains the woman, looking expectantly between the two Agents. "Why? Does it mean something?"

Looking at Prentiss before shaking her head. "Nothing much of importance. That should be it for now, Mrs Jones , thank you."

Walking to the door Laura holds it open for Prentiss to walk through, before she follows.

"I don't think it's her." Voices Laura after a few seconds. Nodding agreeing, Prentiss looks at her. "Yeah me neither. Now we just have to prove it."

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