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Entering the bullpen, both teams greet them, as JJ and Laura give everyone their coffee's. Thanking the two, the BAU team stands in a line in front of the TV, while Gibbs and his team stand opposite them. Leaning next to her brother against Ziva's desk, she looks at the BAU team.

Agent Rossi steps forward, starting their profile. "We are looking for a man and a smaller man or a woman, both caucasian, between the ages of thirty and thirty five, both have a direct connection to all the victims."

"Presumingly it is one of the victims direct family, who are seeking revenge for the doings of Nolan and the others. The homicides were organised, the unsubs knew exactly what they wanted to do, and where everything was, leading to the conclusion that they knew the houses and the victims." Continues Agent Hotchner. Next in line stands Reid.

"They may be suffering from a high functioning delusion, that makes them believe that these men have been the cause for all the pain and all the suffering that their families have endured, making them overly vengeful."

"These men may believe that with their death, all the pain will vanish, and when it doesn't, it will make them crazy, which may result in severe consequences for the people around them, like violence towards everyone who stands in their way." Explains Morgan.

Emily steps forward. "It is not to forget that they blame Nolan for the wrong doings the most, and they despise him for not admitting to it, so it ended up not being able to be proved as right, so the unsubs took matter in their own hands, to get their justice."

"They may have a criminal history, considering them not showing any hesitation in killing them. On the older victims they showed controlled behaviour, this one is more rash, which means that all were planned but the anger got the best of them on the last kill, making it the most personal one." Agent Hotchner explains.

"At least one of the unsubs has access to drugs, so they may be a nurse or a doctor, or they may even have to take medication themself." Adds Reid, gesturing with his hands widely.

Nodding slightly the profilers thank them for paying attention, when Gibbs' desk phone rings. Looking at each other, Tony and Laura furrow their eyebrows before looking back at Gibbs.

"All right, we're on our way." He puts the phone back down and looks at his team and the BAU. "There's been another murder."

Looking confused around the Agents, Laura is met with similar expressions as her own. Looking back at Gibbs the man grabs his jacket from over his chair, before pointing at Tony and Ziva. "Tony, Ziva, with me. McGee, Laura you stay here look further into the peoples files."

He rushes towards the elevator, Tony and Ziva on his heels. Rossi, Morgan, Hotchner and Prentiss, behind them. Leaving Reid, JJ, McGee and Laura behind.

Reid steps slowly forward, looking at McGee and Laura. "When our teams get to the crime scene, they are gonna send us the name of the victim, we should check them out then. Have you got any more files to look through, until then?"

McGee and Laura share a glance. "I don't think we have anymore left but if I know Gibbs well enough he would wants us to look over them again, see if we may have missed something. You two could help."

"I can get our technical analyst, to help us look them over again." Nodding the NCIS Agents agree with Reid's offer. Meetings JJ's glance the man takes out his phone, dialing the analyst's number, while McGee and Laura walk to their desks.

Laura looks at JJ, gesturing her that she can come with her. Pulling up the chair that has been sitting in the corner, next to her desk, she gestures for her to sit down. The women looks over at Reid when a female voice sounds through his phone. "Talk dirty to me, doc."

Snorting softly the brunette holds a fist in front of her mouth.

"Uhm, Garcia, you're on speaker. JJ and I are here with Agents DiNozzo and McGee, we are supossed to look over the files again, could you help us and tell us if you find something unusual?"

"As a matter of fact, I have already looked over most of the names, and they are all as clean as a baby butt, there is nothing that would make you suspect anything, about anyone, besides some mental diseases." Explains the woman.

"Alright, thanks Garcia, tell us if you should find something." Reid tells her.

"Will do, my crime fighting doctor." The woman ends the call.

Nodding to herself, the brunette looks at the blonde next to her. "You're right, she sounds cool."

Laughing quietly JJ nods agreeing. "Told you."

Leaning in, Laura whispers, while keeping her eyes on her computer screen. "Cocky..."

With a small laugh, JJ pushes Laura's face back, before leaning over to pull the keyboard and the computer mouse towards her. Before either can say anything, Laura's phone rings. She lifts it to her ear, immediately hearing Abby's voice.

"Laura, Gibbs told me to get you or McGee down here, I got something."

"I'm on my way." Laura puts the phone back down, looking at the three people looking at her, before setting her glance on McGee.

"Abby's got something, I'm gonna check it out." Getting a nod from McGee the brunette gets up before looking at Reid. "You can have my seat."

Reid nods with a small thanks, and Laura walks to the elevator opening it and pressing the button to Abby's lab.

The elevator doors open and Laura walks into Abby's lab, Music blasting out of the speakers.

"Laura, you're here great." Abby exclaims, pulling her by her arm, closer to her computer.

"Remeber, the bullet that Ducky took out of the dead marines head." Nodding her head at Abby, the taller woman continues. "Well I think I found out who it belongs to."

Looking expectantly at the woman, Abby continues. "The bullet is a 9mm, from the Glock 18 model, and I looked through the states register of owners of such, then I compared it to the list McGee has made, and two names match. First we got Dominic Jacobs and then we got Natalie Jones. And then I checked out both of them and because Jacobs is in France on a Business trip, it leaves us with Natalie Jones, who is also Nolan's sister-in-law, her husband, Benjamin, is his wife's brother."

"Good job, Abbs." Smiles Laura at the raven haired woman. Putting her hands on Laura's shoulders, Abby smiles down at her. "Go get her, tiger."

Laughing, Laura says goodbye to Abby before going back to the elevator, driving back up.

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