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Sitting in the car on the way to the Nolan's house, JJ looks at Laura more often than she'd like to admit.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer." Chuckles Laura, not moving her eyes from.the road. "I wasn't staring." Mutters JJ, looking to the side, blushing.

"I mean I understand if you would have-" JJ interrupts her laughing. "Remeber when we talked about cocky comments?"

Laura looks at JJ for a second, smiling, before looking back at the road. "You just reached the top of cockiness." Continues JJ laughing.

"It's in the genes, you should talk to my brother for like five minutes, and you'll think that I'm an Angel of cockiness." Retorts the brunette.

"I don't think that an Angel of cockiness, is a thing." Smiles JJ, looking at Laura.

"Well it is now, I mean I just used it." Laura spares another glance at JJ, her eyes leaving the road for a while longer, when meeting her eyes.

"Hey, eyes on the road!" JJ exclaims, laughing Laura looks back at the road. "Excuse me for drowning in the ocean of your eyes."

Blushing wildly, JJ laughs. "Stop it."

"Stop what? Being an Angel of cockiness." JJ hits Laura's arm lightly, making the brunette laugh loudly.

Driving up the driveway to the Nolan's house, Laura parks it before looking at JJ. "Ready?"

Smiling softly at her, the blonde nods. "Yeah."

Getting out of the car the two women walk up to the front door. Ringing the bell, a dark haired woman opens the door.

"Mrs. Nolan, Special Agent Laura Dinozzo, NCIS." Laura holds up her badge, before pointing at JJ. "Agent Jareau from the FBI. We would like to ask you some more questions."

Leaning against the door frame, the smaller woman stands her ground. "I have already talked to your colleague at the crime scene."

Laura nods agreeing. "You did, but we have gotten new informations that we have to check out with you, so may we come inside?"

Sighing the woman walks inside leaving the door open, JJ and Laura follow her after sharing a glance. Inside there were several boxes, some filled with pictures or other personal items, others still empty. Stopping in the living room Mrs. Nolan turns around her hands on her hips. "Would you like something to drink, Agents?"

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