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The two teams meet in the bullpen, to discuss their next moves. "Mrs. Nolan wasn't much of a help, she stands her ground, won't talk." Explains Rossi, crossing his arms.

Leaning next to Laura against her desk is JJ, Reid occupying Laura's chair. Concerned looks the brunette to the blonde next to her. "You good?"

Nodding slowly, JJ looks at Laura. "Yeah, don't worry."

Not really convinced, Laura looks back at Gibbs who starts talking. "Abby compared the bullet from Nolan's head to the bullets from the gun we found in Jones' storage unit, it's a match."

Nodding Hotchner looks at Emily. "Prentiss, you and DiNozzo have questioned Mrs. Jones, did she tell you anything else?"

Clearing her throat Emily nods agreeing. "She said that she hasn't seen the gun since her husband took it, but she couldn't tell us what exactly happend with it after Nolan's death."

"Well we know now, he hid it in the unit." Answers Morgan.

"But wouldn't it be a bit obvious. I mean they did so much to hide every evidence that would lead to them being the murder, why hide the gun in a place where he knew that we would find it?" Reid questions.

"Maybe he thought that we would never get this far in the first place." Ziva leans forward in her chair.

"Maybe it was placed there on purpose, by his partner." Proposes Laura, shrugging.

"That would indicate that it wouldn't be his wife, because if it is in her unit it would make her look even more of a suspect." McGee looks around the room questioning, catching Gibbs' glance. "Which would mean that they were set up."

He takes his phone calling a number. "Abby have you got something yet?"

Just a second later the TV turns on at Abby's picture shows. "I actually have, Gibbs. The gun was clean, there was nothing on it, like quite literally, not one fingerprint, which means that it has been wiped clean before being placed in the unit."

"Tell me you got something else, Abbs." Gibbs voices, smiling the dark haired nods. "Of course, otherwise I wouldn't call. So, the box that Tony and Laura found, well in one of the letters I found something very interesting."

Looking at her exceptantly, Gibbe questioned. "What?"

Breaking her dramatic break, Abby lifts the letter slightly. "It's an apology for murdering Doug Nolan, which explains into the slightest detail as to why they did it, and the hand writing fits with the one from Rebecca. But what I don't understand is, why would she write a letter confessing to it."

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