You've Got Me All Wrong

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For three months after that night, everything was great. Spencer and I went on dates regularly, and we spent the night at each other's houses more often than not. We hadn't slept together yet, of course, partially because he wasn't ready to go that far with a guy and partially because I wasn't ready to tell him I was trans. One particular Friday morning, we were laying in his bed and cuddling before work when he suddenly sat up and looked at me dreamily.

"What are you thinking?" I asked him with a laugh.

"I think we should tell them," he said.

"Are you sure?" I asked. "It's not that I don't want to. I do. But are you sure you're ready? This could change things for you."

Spencer looked at me with gentle eyes and a wide smile.

"I'm positive," he told me.

"In that case," I said, placing a short kiss on his lips. "I suggest we get ready. We have an important announcement to make."


We walked into the office holding hands, and all eyes were on us. I felt a nervous pit in my stomach - not for me - but for Spencer. I was worried about how everyone would react. I had dealt with homophobia for long enough, but he was still new to this. I didn't want the team's reaction to destroy all the confidence that he had been building.

I looked around to gauge everyone's reactions. Morgan looked at us, and his face lit up as if he'd finally put together the pieces of a very difficult puzzle. Emily gave me a smile and a thumbs up when she realized what we were about to do. As we approached Hotch's office, I noticed JJ and Rossi on the catwalk discussing a case file. They turned to us with a confused expression. Now we just had to tell the big boss.

"Hotch?" Spencer said, lightly knocking on his open office door.

Hotch looked up briefly before returning his attention to his work.

"Come on in."

Spencer came into the office, pulling me along with him. This time Hotch looked up for real, and his eyes quickly darted to my fingers intertwined with Spencer's.

"Why don't you close the door and have a seat," he suggested.

We nodded and shut the door. I silently pulled up a chair as Spencer did the same. Hotch cleared his throat.

"So I understand there's something the two of you would like to tell me?" he prodded.

"Yes, Sir," I started. "We've been- well-"

"Jordan and I are dating," Spencer blurted. Had it been any other situation, I probably would have laughed. However, this was not any other situation.

"I see," Hotch said with a sigh. "How long have you been seeing each other?"

"It's been about three months now," I admitted.

"Well, um, congratulations, I guess," Hotch said. I could tell he wasn't sure how to handle this situation. It was one thing to have a straight couple on the team or even two women, but a gay couple? Although I hated to admit it, gay men were still somewhat stigmatized. "Well, I have to write up a report on this, but that's it. Don't let it get in the way of your work."

Hotch nodded as if to cue us that the conversation was over.

"Thank you, Sir," Spencer said as we left the room.

Leaving the room, I let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding.

"That went better than I expected," Spencer breathed. He looked just as relieved as I felt. I nodded.

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