Reaction 1: Darius's Family: Part One

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Roxie: This is bullshit!

Dave: Roxie--!

Roxie: Don't tell me to calm down, David!

(Darius's mother, Ms. Bowman, and his elder brother, Brandon Bowman rush in on them.)

Ms. Bowman: Um...hello?

Both: (look towards her) How may we help you?

Ms. Bowman: Hi, um, my name is Ms. Bowman. (gestures to Brandon) This is my son, Brandon., we were told something happened at Camp Cretaceous and (takes picture from bag; shows them) they said that you'd need verification. This is my son, Darius, one of the campers. 

Roxie: (takes picture from her, looks at it)

Brandon: We were also told that you were the counselors and they'd probably be with you if anyone.

Roxie: (hands picture back) That's Darius.

Brandon: Is he here?

Dave: (sighs; looks down)

Roxie: Seriously?! This is messed up!

Ms. Bowman: What is? What's happened to my baby boy?!

Roxie: Ms. Bowman, when the ferries evacuated, we tried to find Darius and the other campers, but, when we returned stateside, we had them check over and over, but...

Brandon: But, what?!

Dave: Hey, let's all talk--!

Brandon: Yeah, talk, where's Darius?!

Roxie: None of the campers made it to the ferries in time. Bowmans, I...I'm very sorry, but your son and the other campers were left on the island, mistakenly. Apparently, even though we're the people who've pushed the return protocol, it falls on us to inform you of the news.

Ms. Bowman: (chokes on her sobs; falls to her knees)

Brandon: WHAT THE FUCK??!!!!

Dave: Like Roxie said, we understand it's unfair, and the park officials have ignored our (plops heavy stack of papers on desk) repeated (shows them full paper) mail-in requests for the return protocols. 

Brandon: (takes paper; crumples the form in anger) 

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