Reaction: Yaz's Family

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Yaz's Father: Where's the man, Yaz?

Yaz's Mother: [Name!]! Now is not the time for jokes or to rehash the whole 'gender debacle'. However...WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER?!!

Dave: Not the reaction I was expecting, but okay. 

Roxie: We're trying to launch the return protocol to rescue the kids from the island.

Yaz's Mother: W-w-what?! (faints)

Yaz's Father: (catches him) Dear!

Dave: (under his breath) Guess no one won that bet. 

Yaz's Father: (furious) WHAT??????!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dave: Nothing, sir.

Roxie: No, if we're done with that, can we please get back to work?!

Yaz's Father: No one is hearing the end of this UNTIL WE GET HER BACK!!!!

Roxie: (groans) Great. 

Brandon: Maybe we can catch them on recording if we're diligent enough.

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