Off-Log 2

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Two Weeks Later...

(New hope was in the air, as well as love. Everyone was pitching in. Now that Sammy had finally allowed the others to help her, they had more time to split up to search for food and other ways off the island. They rotated out. The new couples were blossoming as much as they could during survival. They saw no need to rush things, especially when they still scraped by on their own. Sure, they were getting better, but no need to go too far.)

[A/N: Any similarities to trailers or possible episodes is coincidental. Not canon. All Rights Reserved.]

Kenji: (groans) Nothing we've tried works!

Sammy: What if we tried Mitch and Tiff's boat again?

Darius: Even if one of us did know how to drive a boat, the boat ran itself out of fuel after the now Baryonyx duo attacked Tiff to avenge Chaos. 

Ben: And all the extra boat fuel was stored on the ferries in case of evacuation.

Yaz: ONE good decision...

Sammy: (rubs her back, reassuringly) What about the emergency beacon? Is there another one?

Ben: Not in any of the Jurassic World emergency manuals I memorized.

Kenji: So, that's it? We're stuck here? What other possible way off the island could there be?

Darius: (puts hand on his shoulder) Ke--!

Kenji: (takes his hand off) No, Dino-Nerd, admit it, it's hopeless.

Darius: Nothing's hopeless, Kenji.

Kenji: Yeah, well, being stranded here may be a dream for you, Dino-Nerd, but I have bigger aspirations!

Darius: (breath hitches)

Everyone Except Kenji: (gasps)

Darius: (lip quivers; eyes wide) Kenji, I--! (turns and runs into Omega cabin)

Kenji: (snaps out of it) Oh no...Dino-Nerd--Darius, come back!

Darius: (sobbing)

All: (snap heads toward Kenji)

Brooklynn: Way to go, Kenji.

Yaz: (slaps him) What the fuck is wrong with you? All Darius has ever done is save your ass and try to keep everyone's spirits up. How do you think that feels for him, to hear you say that after all he's done when he already misses his family, just like the rest of us? (growls) If it was up to me, I would've left you in the jungle months ago.

[A/N: By this point, they've been there for months.]

(Sammy and Ben stir, uncomfortably. Kenji had instantly regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth, but he could not take them back. He knocked on the small divider separating the Omega bunk from the rest of the treehouse.)

Kenji: Darius...(sighs) please, I didn't mean to. I just...wanna go home.

Darius: (monotone) We all do, Kenji. I just...need to be away from you for a bit.

Kenji: (sighs) I'm sorry. Whatever you need. (walks away)

(Darius felt bad cutting Kenji off, but it wasn't just the words that were said. He'd made his nest, which he was sure the other two Omegas had seen by now, a sure sign that his heat was coming soon. Ever since it started, he'd always had suppressants and a protective older brother named Brandon to keep the Alphas away. Now, without suppressants, he was on his own. This was gonna be interesting. Or scary. Probably both.)

Darius: Well, here we go.

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