Log 2: Kenji

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(Kenji rotates the fully-charged camera and sets it to record.)

Kenji: Hey, what's hot, world, it's your boy, Kenji. I know that you all must be worried sick about your favorite billionaire boy. So, yeah, I'm on the island with these compadres of mine.

Yaz: (hushed; in the background) This is going to be a looonng video log.

Brooklynn: (under her breath) I kind of regret giving him the camera now.

(Kenji clears his throat, shushing them. Then, he moves the camera around, then back to him.)

Kenji: So, yeah, this is our camp. It's bearable...sort of. (turns camera towards them) This is Yaz and Brooklynn, the other two Alphas at this camp. You may notice, some people are missing. (turns camera back to him) Truth is, we're in the doghouse with the Omegas and they sent us...back to home sweet treehouse camp to wait for them to come back. Why?

Yaz: (groans loudly in background) Ugh! Just tell them already!

Kenji: I was getting to that part! (clears throat; to camera) As I was saying before someone so rudely interrupted me...while searching for food, things got a little...tense. It was the first food we'd seen in days.

Flashback...THIRD POV

Sammy: Found something!

(Everyone rushed towards the sound of her voice. She held up a bag of sunflower kernels. Darius and Ben laughed and hugged her in celebration. However, the Alphas' expressions grew dark and something snapped inside them. Yaz took the bag, forcefully from Sammy's hands.)

Darius: Yaz, what're you doing, that's for--!

(Yaz growls, enraged, at Darius, who backs off, sensing the horde of dominant pheramones coming off of her. That didn't stop Kenji and Brooklynn, though. After Yaz tore open the bag and ate about a third, Kenji got it away from her and ate a little more before Brooklynn in turn took it from him and ate the rest. When there was no more, the Alphas dropped the bag in front of the terrified Omegas. Darius acted as a human shield, standing in front of Ben and Sammy, protectively and slowly backing away, uncertainly. The Alphas snapped out of it, shaking their heads. Realizing what they'd done, they whirled around to face the terrified almost completely hidden Omegas.)

Yaz: What have we done?

Sammy: (whimpers)

Brooklynn: Guys...? Say something, please...

Darius: (silent for a moment; deep inhale and exhale) Alphas, go back to camp.

Kenji: WHAT?!!

Yaz: No way! We're supposed to stick together.

Darius: (yells) I said, GO!!!!!!

End Flashback...

Kenji: (to camera) So, yeah, that's what got us here.

Yaz: How do you think they're doing?

Brooklynn: Or what terrible danger they could be in?!

End Log 2

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