Log 12: Ben

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(On camera...)

Ben: (to camera) Um, hi. Ben, here. So, I heard that we all have the same feeling about this place, which, in case you didn't catch it, we all think that the only positive thing that came out of this was meeting each other. I absolutely agree. As Sammy says "Camp Fam for life!". I don't know how she stays so positive. I think even Darius is running out of patience. With Brooklynn and Kenji fighting, constantly, I don't blame him. Survival is tough. Sammy tends her garden and allows us to help. Apparently, she's found a book and read up on fast-growing leaves bio-engineered by Dr. Wu to have all the vitamins we require. She's trying that. 

(Brooklynn sits next to him. Ben turns so much redder, tomatoes looked paler than him.)

Brooklynn: Ben, are you alright?

Ben: Oh, y-yeah, Brooklynn. (clears throat; to camera) Also, we wanted to kind of talk to our families, tell them we're okay. So, hi Mom. Hi Dad. I hope that you're doing well. Sorry it took so long to say this on the video log. I'm okay. Had a lot of close calls, we all have, but I know from experience that surviving together in a group is easier than surviving alone. I was on my own for a while before the Camp Fam reunited. (gulps) I don't know how this will go over, but, (gestures to Brooklynn, who waves) I met my true mate, Brooklynn, at camp. We haven't mated yet, I wanted to introduce her to you on the video log first. Brooklynn, anything to say to my parents?

Brooklynn: (to camera) Hey, Mr. and Ms. Pincus? Yeah, it's Brooklynn. Ben's told me so many good things about both of you and I hope to meet you in person one day if we ever get off the island. Kenji and I do fight...constantly. He is kind of a prick--!

Kenji: (from off-camera) Hey!

Brooklynn: (to camera) And there's no room for privacy in this treehouse, so we all see and hear each other all the time.

Ben: (to camera) We do have separate bunks. The Omega bunk and the Alpha bunk--!

Brooklynn: (to Ben) Open to the rest of the treehouse since we couldn't find any curtains or doors--besides our cold shower--not destroyed beyond repair and our only divider that we had for the Omega bunk was used for something else just recently, remember?

Ben: (looks away, red) Oh, yeah...

Yaz: (from off-camera) Brooklynn!

Brooklynn: (looks back to her right) What?!

Yaz: Your turn to help Sammy with the garden!

Brooklynn: (calling back) Alright, I'm coming! (to camera) Duty calls. (kisses Ben's cheek) See you later, babe. (leaves)

Ben: (in shock) B-b-b-bye.

End Log 12

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