Off-Log 3

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(Sammy could remember every moment of what had led up to this.)

Sammy Flashback...

(Sammy went through the treehouse, searching for her garden tools. She'd set them in a wheelbarrow and Kenji had rolled it back to the treehouse, mistakenly. Kenji was gone and she really needed those tools. So, she came to get them, herself. Obviously, the thought of Yaz being here while she was currently in heat had occurred to her, but she had to risk it. One wrong move and she could put their entire harvest in jeopardy. That meant that she needed the tools.)

Yaz: (walking in) Sammy?

Sammy: (whirling around) Oh, hey Y-y-yaz, I was just coming to get my tools, then I'll head back to the garden...

Yaz: (backing her up and pinning her against the trunk of the tree) I missed you.

Sammy: I missed you, too.

(In her naievity, she'd dismissed the curiosity of why had Yaz needed to pin her to the tree to tell her this?)

End Flashback...

(That's what led to the situation they were in. Sammy truly didn't know what was happening, and she didn't suspect, either. Sammy smiled and looked into Yaz's eyes with her own innocent, warm brown ones, not noticing that Yaz's were darkened by lust.)

Sammy: Yaz, I'd love to stay and talk, but I do need to tend the cr--!

Yaz: Can you just forget about the fucking crops for one second and talk to me?!!

Sammy: Yaz...where's this all coming from? What's going on? You seem angry.

Yaz: You really are too innocent, babe. (kisses her on the lips)

Sammy: (surprised, but kisses back)

(Yaz holds her just above the waist. Sammy wraps her arms around her neck, not breaking the kiss. Maybe she had been thinking too much. She really needed to make time for Yaz. She was probably just feeling lonely. After all, Ben only came to clean the bunk, Darius is gone most of the time, and the only company she gets are Alphas who like to fight. They were true mates after all. When they parted for air, Sammy wasn't sure what the strange feeling she felt was, like there was more she was missing...something her body needed that only Yaz could provide. It couldn't'd come up in her family, but they never explained to her anything about mating, only that she was "too young" to worry about such things and "we'll tell you when you're older". Sammy, being the ever respectful daughter, had accepted this and passed it on to her younger siblings. Now, though, she felt like she was failing Yaz at some level, not knowing where to go or what to do from here.)

Yaz: (correctly guessing what she was thinking) Your parents really never let you learn, did they?

Sammy: (blushing; shaking head, furiously)

Yaz: So, you never looked anything up--!

Sammy: (glares and growls at her)

Yaz: Sorry, sorry. Just hard to believe. You have to be the only teenager in the world not to have investigated that.

Sammy: My parents said that I was too young, I listened. I even fought to convince my younger siblings not to, either. In fact, I got so paranoid that I actually became scared to know what it was and would run away, hands over my ears whenever anyone mentioned it at school.

Yaz: Well, my parents were not shy about putting me in the proper education my freshman year. They said the sooner I learned, the better I would avoid it.

Sammy: Those were not my parents. Anytime anyone glanced at someone in a way they thought was insinuating it or swore at a house party, they'd put an end to that. I never saw it myself, but Dad told me.

Yaz: (chuckles) Your parents sound like interesting people.

Sammy: Yeah, they are, I miss them. My whole family.

Yaz: I miss mine, too. No matter how loud, demanding or outspoken they are.

Sammy: (giggles) I'd like to meet them one day.

Yaz: You will, we're true mates, so, hopefully that means that we can meet our in-laws one day. For now, though, it's just us.

Sammy: I bet my parents would like to meet you. (blushes, madly) You're so strong, determined and honest. I'm...well, me.

Yaz: Sammy, how many times do I have to tell you? You're perfect the way you are. I love you for you, that's all that matters. You're kind, caring and selfless. I could not have asked for a better true mate.

(They hug, Yaz managing to calm her Alpha for now. Sammy promised she'd return after tending the crops. As she left, Yaz felt the longing once more, but stronger now.)

[NSFW ahead! You have been warned. Warning for suggestive language. Not a lemon. Just mentions of one. By the way underline is usually their Alpha talking, unless otherwise stated. Enough blabbing, enjoy!]

Yaz: (mentally) There she goes. Damn, she's hearty. Good, then she can take us. Whoa, cool down, you've been so resistant until now, what the fuck?!!!! Come on, you know it turns you on. What? The fact that she can still move, much less work just as hard during her heat as she does out of it, her every movement is a tease. What's your point? You know that Sammy doesn't tease us intentionally. Yes, I know, but come on. None of our previous partners have even tried tried to resist their heat. I guess it makes sense. Working the ranch sounds like an intensive resistance workout every day. No time for slacking, even during heat.

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