Off-Log 1

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(It was the next morning and the sun was rising.)

Yaz: Seriously, does everything have to be on a 'log'? (looks up) Hey, there's Sammy! Maybe I can finally talk to her! (approaches her) Hey, Sammy--!

Sammy: (jumps) Ah! (deep breath) Yaz, you scared me!

Yaz: Sorry, Sammy. I just...wanted to talk... (rubs neck)

Sammy: (tilts head, curiously) What about?

Yaz: Have you been...avoiding me?

Sammy: (stammers) What?!

Yaz: You know what I mean, Sammy.

Sammy: I...I didn't think...

Yaz: (gets closer to her) What? You didn't think what?

Sammy: I...I didn't think..............that you wanted to talk to me anymore. That you didn't want to be friends anymore! I, I lied to you! You have every right to be...mad at me.

Yaz: Sammy, (holds her shoulders) I was mad, but then, I found out why and realized that I'd do the same thing. Every single one of us would if we were in the same situation you are. We don't hate you, Sammy, we just wish that you would stop trying to make up for something that you should never have had to do in the first place!

Sammy: I--I, what about...I wouldn't have gotten to meet any of you, though. (smiles up at her) I wouldn't have gotten (blushes, madly) to meet you, Yaz. 

Yaz: (blushes) Yes, well...I know that I haven't been...the best friend to you, recently. Come on, Yaz, it's now or never! You are right about one thing, though, Sammy. (brings her face closer)

Sammy: (blushes, uncontrollably) W-w-what?

Yaz: I don't want to be just friends, Sammy. 

(Before Sammy could ask further, Yaz crashed their lips together. This surprised Sammy. Yaz was about to pull away, but Sammy put her arms around her neck.)

[A/N: In my fanfics, the Alphas are taller. Also, *fangirls* MY OTP!!!!!!!!!!!!]

(Yaz is shocked when Sammy joins in, but not disappointed in the slightest. Sammy was starstruck. Her crush this whole time liked her. Sammy relaxed into Yaz's arms and when they broke apart for air, just let Yaz hold her tight and look into her eyes. If Darius hadn't called her at that exact moment, she would've stayed lost in Yaz's eyes forever, Sammy was certain.)

Darius: (from other room) Sammy! Where are you? Brooklynn and I are ready to go!

Sammy: (separates from her, reluctantly) I have to go. See you later?

Yaz: (chuckles) You bet. 

(As Sammy runs off, Kenji approaches her and begins to open his mouth.)

Yaz: Shut up, Kenji.

Kenji: (shuts mouth again) 

Yaz: You're just jealous because Sammy and I are an item...(smirks at him) I'm guessing that still isn't the case yet with Darius?

Kenji: (groans) 

Yaz: (sighs) You'll get your chance. 

Brooklynn, Sammy & Darius...

Darius: (walking; to Sammy) You look happy. 

Sammy: Thanks, Darius. (sighs, contentedly) Yaz and I talked things out before we left. 

Brooklynn: Oh? Well, that's good.

Sammy: Mm-hm. We...admitted our feelings for each other.

Darius: (shocked) You're in love with Yaz? I never knew that.

Sammy: Yeah, I just didn't say anything because I didn't think that I was worthy of her. (rubs back of neck, nervously) Still don't. 

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