Chapter 2

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The wind of a hovercraft was blowing over our heads and forced us to end the kiss. Cato laid his arm protectively around my shoulder and didn't let me go.

When I touched the ladder of the hovercraft I couldn't move anymore and so did Cato. There were many people, many doctors in the the entrance of the hovercraft. They waited until we were up with them, then they separated us.

"No, Cato!" I screamed. I couldn't do this without him. "Please, let me go. Let me be with him." 

The doctors showed no emotion, they just carried me to a big white room with many strange machines. I wanted to escape, to see Cato, but when I kicked the doctors, somebody came from behind and stuck a needle into my arm. A little pain shot through my arm. My vision got blurry, I couldn't see where I was or who was with me. The noises disappeared and I slowly fell asleep.


"It's been three days. When will she wake up?" 

"We don't know. She must have been exhausted from the arena. Normaly the injection would have put her into an twelve hour sleep. Not longer. We only know that she will wake up. She won't die. She doesn't have major injuries."

Worried voices woke me up. I still didn't got my full hearing back so I couldn't recognize the voices.

But I was confused about what I heard. Three days? I was asleep for three days? Why? I thought I slept enough in the arena. I was completely fit. My head started to hurt from all the thinking so I decided to just relax and think about nothing. Then it hit me. The arena. Cato! I needed to see him. I needed him.

I tried to open my eyes a little, but I instantly shut them again, because the light was too bright. 

"She moved!"

A shadow got between the light and me so I opened my eyes again. Two figures were leaning over me.

I could barely see anything that's why I sat up. The light didn't shine into my eyes anymore. Now I recognized one person. It was Haymitch. Out of all people in Panem he would be the last person I had expected to be here. I thought he hated me. 

"Katniss. Nice to see you again." I couldn't tell if he lied or not. "You did great in the arena" he added.

I looked at him confused. Again I didn't expect that. It would have been more likely if he screamed at me. Or if he hit me. Not giving me kind of compliments.

Haymitch looks at me expectantly. Maybe I should say something. But I can't. My mouth was dry, I needed water and I also didn't want to talk.

My eyes wandered around the room and stopped at the sight of a full glass of water. I reached out for it and drank. I drank it all at once and I still was thirsty. But I knew I wouldn't get another one for now. 

Eventually my eyes met Haymitch's again. He was still waiting for an answer. I thought about what I could say. Maybe a simple 'thank you'? Mhmm no. It was obvious that he didn't mean it. What about 'I know'? It would... no it would only make me look heartless. During the debating in my thoughts my doctor left the room. I guessed he wanted to give us some privacy.

"Look Katniss. I know how it is when you come out of the arena. But I can help you. That's why I am here. I might not understand all of your actions, but I don't hate you. Sometimes you have to do strange things to survive." 

His little monologue made me smile. He didn't hate me. This wouldn't be awkward.

I cleared my throat.

"Where's Cato?" 

Oups. Maybe I should have answered him first. But I still didn't know what so this was the best question I could think of. And Cato was the one person I needed right now. I wanted him to hold me like in the arena. I wanted to feel save and protected.

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