3 | Unveiling the Mask of the Good and Bad

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The plane ride wasn't as bad as expected to be, at least not for Eddy.

The comfortable seats were able to lull him into a slumber the second the plane took off, and he was able to spend most— if not the whole— ride with a calm relaxed mind and an even more relaxed body. All tensions vanished and it was replaced with increasing warmth. Brett was able to get some sleep as well, but not without having his hand entangled within Eddy's.

It was nice.


"I hope you can speak Italian because I sure as hell can't." Eddy said when they exited the plane, their legs a bit numb from the lack of movement so they stood in the lounge area for a bit, trying to stretch and regain some of their lost strength.

Brett chuckled at Eddy's remark, bending down to touch his toes and adjust the knots on his sneakers. "We're both screwed then because I don't even know how to say hello in Italian."

The next thing in their agenda was to head over to the hotel they already had reserved, it was well over two in the morning and the drowsiness really started to hit them, regardless of the fact they both basically slept during the whole 18 hour plane ride.

They were able to catch a taxi thanks to Eddy's ability to yell very loud, and thanked the man who picked them up.

"Dove devi andare?" The driver asked, turning to look at both men in the backseat who were obviously confused by the question.

Eddy was quick to pull his phone out and hold the screen up in order for the driver to know where they were headed, since he assumed that's what he had asked. The driver nodded and gave him a thumbs up and started the car.

The drive was equally as quiet as it was awkward, neither Brett or Eddy said anything at all- not that they even could, they didn't even know how to say hello in Italian and Eddy just wished he had taken the time to at least know the basics of Italian on the plane ride rather than being lazy and sleeping through it all. Eddy studied his phone, opening Google and typing in quickly, "how to say thank you in Italian" in the search bar, which Brett snorted to once he saw Eddy's screen. Eddy elbowed him, rolling his eyes and practiced in his head what he'd say once they had reached the hotel.

"Grazie!" Eddy said as they pulled up, handing the driver his corresponding money as well as some extra as a tip for driving two idiotic men to some hotel at two in the morning. The driver nodded to him and Eddy bowed out of pure habit, and Brett laughed at him again.

"You're unbelievable Eddy!" He exclaimed, slapping Eddy's arm multiple times, and Eddy simply turned towards the entrance of the hotel while pulling his suitcase, completely ignoring Brett's remarks. "Wait for me!" He yells after Eddy, hurrying to grab his own suitcase and trails behind the other who was already speaking to the lady at the registration desk.

"I see it here. A reservation for Edward Chen for three nights, is this you?" She asks, looking between Eddy and the computer in front of her and once Eddy had confirmed that it was in fact his and showed his identification card. He was glad that the woman could speak English, he'd be so lost if he really had to pull out his Google translate in order to understand her.

She handed him the key with a clearly very well practiced and professional smile, the one every employee is required to give to their customer: Eddy would definitely know, since he had worked at retail shops in his adolescent years before taking on his musical career completely.

Well that career was also clearly down the drain.

Brett squeezed himself with Eddy into the small elevator, letting Eddy press the buttons that were meant to direct them into the right floor for their room. On their way up, Eddy studied the key, turning it around with his fingers and reading the tag attached to it. "Seems like we've got room 173." Eddy commented to Brett, who immediately got excited with the thought of the hotel room.

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