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Eddy's driving back in the direction of their home, but he's distracted by everything all at once. He seems to be suffocating as the tears keep on trying to press on with no luck whatsoever.

Brett is quiet next to him, only humming a bit and kicking his leg slightly. Eddy concluded that Brett is only tired, as he is also exhausted from their return.

But he finds himself making a left turn rather than a right when they come about the familiar streets they've both been raised on. He's taking deep breaths and gripping hard onto the steering wheel.

"Brett.." he's whispering, placing a hand on the other's thin shoulder. "I love you."

Brett doesn't respond.

He takes another left turn in the seemingly deserted streets. It was two am. Just how it was five years ago. His hands are trembling as he parks the car not too far from their destination. Eddy leans his head back on the cushioned seats of his car, shutting his eyes.

Brett doesn't make a single noise, he's stopped humming about ten minutes ago and the leg he as been kicking back and forth was stationary.

Eddy exits the car, a gust of wind pushing against his body. "I'm sorry Brett." He's whispering, shuffling to the other side of the car where he opens the door for Brett.

Brett, as always, isn't fazed by the cold temperatures, he seems to be a bit happy about it in fact. He exits the car too, his skin obviously paler, Eddy doesn't dare to look at his face. They walk side by side, not saying a single word to one another. The wind is howling in Eddy's ears, and as much as he wants to turn and run, he knows that it wouldn't do him or Brett any favors.

Eddy looks up just as the hill turns to sand.

He's staring at the sea, his hair flailing in all sorts of directions. He watches the water hit the shore violently, and he spots the rock too, the one he and Brett had spent so much time playing on and around. It was dear to him.

He holds Brett's hand tightly in his as he leads them into the sand. It's a bit crunchy under his feet, moving with every step he took. He's not sure if it's because of the memories hitting at him at full speed or the freezing wind that's numbing his body and making him dizzy. He pulls Brett along with him, standing right at the shore.

Brett continues to be silent, for once he isn't jumping around and he's not laughing, but he's smiling. Eddy can tell with the way he's staring at the ocean.

"You know.." Brett says. "This is my home. This is where I belonged all along Eddy."

Eddy nods at his words, hearing them a million times before but it feels a bit new. It was most probably of the fact he hadn't come down here in five years; he wouldn't have been able to live with himself. The lump is there again, and his heart is aching. He's gripping harder onto Brett's hand. He can feel his skeleton right through his skin. Any sign of warmth was gone from Brett the longer he stood by the shore, and soon...

There it was.

A single tear escaped from his eye, sliding down his cheek and down his neck, seeping into the collar of his shirt. It wasn't just one tear either, his eyes are letting go of all the melancholy and sorrow they've been holding on to. For the first time in five years, he crying. He's sobbing, shaking violently and soon he's screaming out to the ocean, his voice taken away by the wind.

He moves a bit farther from the sea, and lets himself crumble into the sand he's never once found pleasant to be around. He no longer cares though. His heart is pounding with every sob, and his lips are trembling.

"Cry a river for me Eddy.." Brett whispers, now sitting next to him and rubbing soothing circles on his back. "Let it out." 

And he does let it out. He lets out every emotion that had glued itself onto him, he screams incoherent things and the tears add themselves into the ocean, simmering in the light of the moon. His body is cold, it's shaking in an attempt to let Eddy know that it needs warmth. But Eddy can't stop now, he's too far gone.

He doesn't mind being cold again, he doesn't care of the stinging pain it brought to his face. Will anyone hear him? Could anyone hear him?

"You brought this into yourself."

He shakes his head, covering his ears with his hands as best as he could but he realized it was no use when it echoed down the corridors of his mind. He lets his head fall hard into the sand he's sitting on, not caring about the pain following close behind it. He's glad for the pain, it feels a bit rewarding to him.

"You know that's the truth Edward Chen." He hears Brett say.

Was it blood? He tasted it in his mouth, he tasted the saltiness of it. Were they tears?

"You were the one who brought me here five years ago. Weren't you?" Brett continues.

He pounds his head into the sand once again, he's yelling a serious of 'no's towards Brett who doesn't even seem to be listening to him anymore.


Eddy looks up towards Brett who had taken a seat in front of Eddy. Eddy's whole being is shaking. Brett's lips are tainted blue, the paleness has gone to its full potential. His cheeks are purple, and there's a grin plastered onto his face. "Don't you think I look beautiful like this Eddy? Isn't this what you wanted in the first place?"

Eddy shook his head, gasping as he sat up in one swift movement, his eyes wider than ever. "No! It's not like that!" He yelled, trying to grab a hold of Brett's hand but he moved away, smiling at Eddy.

Brett grabs ahold of Eddy's chin, making him look directly into his empty eyes, pressing hard against Eddy's skin.

"After all... Edward...."

He spits the words out, drawing them out with a hint of playfulness in his voice. Eddy tries to escape but Brett says the next words before he can even turn away.

"You were the one who killed me."


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