6 | Don't Ask Why or Why Not

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"Your playing is lovely."

Eddy is currently sprawled on the floor of Brett's bedroom. Both boys had agreed that it was definitely too hot for them to go out somewhere, even if it was to the ice cream parlor or to the beach, they'd melt on the way there.

Brett looked up from his music stand, holding his bow with his left hand along with the neck of his violin. "You think so?" He asks Eddy, giggling at the way he moves his head to follow the pathway of the small fan in his room.

"Yeah. It sounds like a lullaby." He whispers, letting the air hit his face directly before it moves away, he groans a bit of the accumulating sweat on his neck, Eddy never liked feeling dirty. "Reminds me of my mother."

Brett puts down his violin inside his case, securing it with the small velcro straps before he closes the top, attaching the buckles and heading towards Eddy. He sprawls out on the floor next to Eddy closing his eyes, comfortably taking his glasses off.

"Hey Eddy?" Brett sits up just as quick as he laid down, looking over at the other who looked like he was falling asleep against the wooden tiles of the floor. The coolness was definitely comfortable against Eddy's burning skin, he didn't have the energy to turn to look at Brett, so he hummed to indicate he was listening.

"You never speak of your family." Brett says, curiosity clear in his voice and by the way his eyebrows are furrowed and his lips are out in a small pout.

Eddy's mood shifted slightly, clearly visible with the way his eyes shot open and how his body was suddenly tense. The uncomfortable feeling of sweat trickling down his face was long forgotten, replaced by a feeling of pure dread and sorrow, and a hint of fear.

Brett's curiosity only arose more when Eddy failed to give him an answer and he turned his whole body away from Brett, using his hands as pillows behind his head.

"Eddy?" He asks, only to confirm that Eddy hadn't fallen asleep. It was a bit hard to tell with the soft breathing and the way his body shifted to find a much more comfortable position.

He heard Eddy let out a sigh before he sits up, placing his hands neatly on his lap, his long legs were crossed.

Beautiful. Poised. Unreal. Wonderful.

"There's not much of my family." Eddy says in a nonchalant voice, seeming unbothered to speak of the topic yet uncomfortable all together. Brett knew by the way he had reacted to his words that maybe his family situation wasn't as simple as Brett's was.

Brett scooted closer to Eddy so they were shoulder to shoulder, both looking down at their laps. Brett listened attentively, not letting a small ant that scurried across the floor distract him.

"My mother passed away when I was young, and my father was left completely broken." He continued, his fingers interlocking with one another and separating again. "As an only child, I had to make most of my decisions on my own. My father was too preoccupied with other things to care much about me, he had given up on me after a while." Eddy looked at Brett for a moment, then averted his gaze once again. "My mother played violin beautifully, she taught me how to play, she wanted me to play just as well as her. So after she passed, I pushed myself to play like she did, but I couldn't. I couldn't pick up her violin without feeling her hands on my shoulders, not without hearing her encouraging words. I gave up on violin on my own. I haven't played since I buried her violin under a tree."

Brett hummed, taking ahold of his glasses and settling them over his eyes, watching his vision get into place for a minute or so, and then he leaned in towards Eddy until his head was on his lap. Eddy's hands were immediately running through the thin, brown locks.

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