5 | Evening Fireworks Will Do The Trick

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"'I didn't know it was your table.' said Alice: 'it's laid for a great many more than three.'" Eddy reads softly.

Brett is resting his head on Eddy's shoulder, his eyes were closed and he was relaxing due to Eddy's hushed tone. He was speaking to him as if he were a baby, and he enjoyed it in a weird way.

"'Your hair wants cutting.' Said the Hatter. He had been looking at Alice for some time with great curiosity, and this was his first speech." Eddy continues a bit more before shutting the book quietly.

They were currently flying to Mexico, a place neither of them had visited before, and Eddy was starting to worry just how much he was going to be confused upon arriving. Maybe he should've taken Brett's advice and practiced some Spanish with that stupid owl.

"Why?" Brett asks, turning to look at Eddy with raised eyebrows, confusion clearly written all over his face.

"Why what?" Eddy responds, adjusting himself into a much more confortable position in the airplane seat, for the armrest had started to dig into his hip when he leaned more towards Brett.

"Why did you stop reading?" Brett was of course disappointed. He liked listening to Eddy read, even if he had heard the story a million times before since it was in fact Eddy's favorite book, and maybe he liked listening to him read because it was his favorite.

Eddy sighed, holding onto Brett's hand. "Well I was thinking maybe we could get some rest, we're going to be awfully tired when we get there if we don't rest now. We still have about seven hours to go." He says in a matter of fact voice, leaving no room for argument. Brett didn't mind, he agreed actually, he was already feeling his eyelids getting heavy and he was having a tougher time keeping his head up.

Eddy traced the cover of the book with his other hand, the one that wasn't getting frozen alive by Brett's skin. He traced the young girl with his pointer finger, and then traced the golden title with his nail. It was oddly satisfying in a way, to watch his fingers dance miraculously on the cover.

Eddy pushed his head back on the seat, closing his eyes. His arm was hurting a bit, and he traced the small mark left on his arm. His arm wasn't like the book. It wasn't smooth and didn't feel silky at all. His skin was rough and bumpy, as well as the faint tickle of his hair. There were creases and little defects on his skin.

He knew the wound wasn't actually hurting him, it was his mind that was playing tricks on him like it always was. It was the memory that came along with the mark that was making it sting.

Brett opened his eyes, he didn't even have to move at all to see how Eddy was sighing and hissing as he touched the mark. Brett was able to place a small smile on his lips, a giggle wanting to set itself free from his throat, but he held back, he didn't want Eddy to know.

He decides to close his eyes instead and go to sleep.


"Your Spanish is marvelous." Brett says sarcastically, sitting on the edge of the hotel bed while watching Eddy unpack some of the contents of his suitcase.

"Oh shut up." Eddy responds with an eye roll, sending a glare to Brett's direction. "As if you could've spoken to him better."

"Of course I could've!" Brett falls back on the bed laughing and Eddy ignored him, he's already in a bad mood from the interaction he had earlier with the receptionist.

At that precise moment, someone decides to call his cellphone. Eddy groans loudly, throwing his toothbrush against the wall out of anger. Brett watches with amusement from where he lies on the bed, turning his head to give Eddy a small grin.

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