Chapter 27

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a/n didn't mean to make this one so long. my bad.

Reggie watched the scene unfold in front of him, unsure of what to do. Carlos was like a brother, and Julie was like his sister. So who did he try to comfort first? Not to mention the whole Caleb situation.

Luke was holding Julie on the floor as she cried, and Alex seemed to be in shock. Reggie knew he had to take charge.

"Guys we need to figure out what we're going to do about Caleb first. As long as Carlos is safe, we can deal with him after we come up with an idea."

The other three turned to look at Reggie. Reggie was never one to take charge during a potentially confrontational situation, so Alex knew that it truly was a dire situation.

"Reg is right Jules. Carlos is safe upstairs. And... well I was trying to think of a way to work around what Caleb said, but Jules, I won't – I can't risk you getting hurt." Luke said while Alex nodded along.

"I agree Julie Jam." Alex said while chuckling at his nickname for her. It felt like that moment was ages ago.

"Alexander! What happened to not using that name in front of others?" Julie said with fake anger. She was happy for the distraction. Happy to think about better times.

"Why does everyone get a nickname for Julie but me?!" Reggie pouted.

"Okay, Reggie," Julie said wiping away her tears. "What do you want to call me? It can be anything you want."

"Anything?" Reggie said with a mischievous smile. It was truly amazing how quickly this boy's mood could change.

"I may regret this, but yes, you can call me anything."

"As long as it's not inappropriate." Luke added.

Reggie beamed. "Easy. I will call you Killer." The others looked at him with confusion.

Alex raised an eyebrow, and asked the question on everyone's mind. "Reg, why would you call Julie 'Killer'?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

"No Reggie. No, it's not. Last I checked, Julie hasn't killed anyone"

"Well obviously not, but Killer is short for kilojoule. You know like the measurement of energy exerted that one newton uses over a meter?" Julie, Alex, and Luke were speechless. "What? You know, the joule system? Named after James Prescott Joule? C'mon guys, that's like basic stuff. Julie's energy literally saved us. Plus, Julie can be scary when she's mad."

"Oooooookay?" Alex said.

"Reg – when did you learn that?" Luke was dumbfounded.

"Last week? I like to read Julie – I mean Killer's textbooks for fun."

Julie, Luke, and Alex all burst out laughing. Reggie joined in, though he wasn't sure what they were laughing at.

The laughter died down though as they realized they needed to come up with a plan for Caleb. They thought of ways they could outsmart him (there were none), how to get him to cross over (didn't know how), and if they could just run away to Kathmandu (but they were pretty sure Caleb could still just poof there).

Julie looked at the three boys who had changed her life. Who brought her back to life. They had just come back, and now had a chance to get everything they ever wanted. Luke had just reconnected with his parents, Reggie finally had a good father figure, and Alex didn't have to hide who he was in fear of being rejected. She knew if she told them that she was going to go to Caleb, they would say no and try to stop her. And she knew she couldn't say goodbye, because then she might not have the strength to leave.

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