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"Are you crazy?"

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"Are you crazy?"

Lucille did not kiss Draco.

She held back. She held back because of what the women at front desk had said and even the mere thought of them being involved made her sick to think that Mr. Malfoy would just do something like that to her.

Lucille was told they had sex.

So she ran. She ran out of his office before he could even say anything to her and when she finally made it into the empty hallways she stayed hidden until it was time to go.

She was sat at her kitchen table, Cedric and her sharing an awkward silence while they ate their dinner. The silence was definitely not comfortable, and Lucille knew what was about to come.

"Luce I think we should- we should talk." Cedric mumbled, because shoving another peace of a breadstick in their mouth.

Lucille sipped her hot chocolate, something she loved to drink during winters. "Okay," she spoke gently, not wanting to argue with her brother but she knew it was coming. Because she wasn't going to quit her job just because her boss likes to fuck around with multiple girls at the same time.

Who said she'd be one of those girls?

"I just think- you should keep your distance with Malfoy." Cedric stated, and when he leaned back in his seat, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly she debated on if she should speak or not. He beat her to it, and when she heard what he said next made her choke. "Did Jack hit you?"

She was stopping her movements, no longer chewing and she felt the urge to throw up. "N-no. Who told you that?" She tried not to feel the hatred she felt for Mr. Malfoy but it was hard. He had no right to tell Cedric that- Lucille was trying to spare him the heartbreak of having to hear his sister was getting abused.

Cedric was to pure for that.

"Mr. Malfoy did. Which is why I'm telling you that you should keep your distance. I don't like him near you- not when I know what's he's like." Cedric mumbled again, and Lucille only nodded, accepting what her brother was saying. "Just promise me you won't do anything with him."

"Are you crazy? He's my boss ced," Lucille spluttered out and when he was raising his arms up in defense she slightly calmed down.


Lucille was furious.

She had Mr. Malfoys coffees in her hands- only it was freezing cold. She couldn't get the hatred out of her mind, of him telling Cedric that Jack abused her. It wasn't his place to tell, and it pissed her off more than it should've.

When she exited the elevator, she walked straight into his office, and saw him sitting in his normal seat, his hair swiftly to one side and she had to physically stop herself from staring at him to long.

When she nearly slammed his coffee on the desk, she almost made herself flinch. But she took a seat at her desk, and watched as his hands circled around the cup before bringing it to his lips not focusing on Lucille at all- until he tasted the coffee.

She might have added a shit ton of pepper in there too.

He was grabbing his trash can and spitting it out, practically wanting to puke. And once he raised up his head snapped to hers- a furious expression on his face. "Is there a fucking reason why this is ice cold and- what is that? Fucking pepper?!" He shouted at her and she only flinched a little bit.

"Is there a reason why you had to tell my brother about Jack?" She spat back at him, only this time her voice wasn't soft and gentle. It was everything but that.

"You shouldn't have been to much a pussy to tell him-."

"It wasn't your business to tell!" She shouted at him, now getting up out of her seat ready to leave and not come back for the rest of the day. She was so overly pissed at him- he seriously just called her a pussy. When she was getting ready to walk out of the door, he was shooting up out of his chair, and walking towards her at an incredibly faster speed that made her want to cower even more.

His hands grasped her neck, and pulled her body towards him. She had to ignore the fact that every single fiber in her body wanted to pull him down and kiss his lips, tangling her hands in his hair.

His breathing was uneasy- anger was seeping through his body. "Don't fucking walk away from me." He spat. "You should've told him yourself. Because instead, at least I had the balls to tell him."

"Yeah well at least I don't try to kiss someone while I'm having sex with someone else," she jeered into his face, and when his expression turned into confusion, anger was no longer plastered on his face anymore.

He drew back, his hand leaving her neck and she fought the urge to bring it back- physically pick up his hand and shove it back on to her throat.

"What are you- That's why you didn't kiss me?" He nearly shouted, his anger taking back in. "Who the fuck told you that I was having sex with them?"

Now she thought she was stupid.

"The women- at the front desk she said that if I ever saw a do not disturb sign on your door that- that I shouldn't come in because you two were.. yeah." She mumbled, her voice lowering and she looked away while her cheeks flushed red.

His blue eyes roamed her face, her facial expressions and everything about her. She was only wearing a sweater and a skirt today, and she didn't do any make up either- to mad to do anything.

"So I'm right. That's why you backed away when I-." He cut himself off with a deep sigh, aiming to walk away from her and Lucille didn't stop him, only sank back down at her desk, and watched him walk out of the room with a loud thud.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

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