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Lucille was tired.

As soon as she found as she was having twins- she took a nap because the doctor had gave her the right dose of medicine and she didn't have pain in her stomach all day. It was a relief, to not be hurting constantly.

It's been at least a week since they found out Lucille was having twins, and saying Draco never left her side was an understatement. He never once let her out of his sight, and she didn't mind because she liked the fact that he cared. The only time she was alone by herself was when she asked to take a bath alone, and even then he sat outside the bathroom door reading a book until she was done.

They went out to eat breakfast sometimes, which is what Lucille was getting ready for right now. Draco was taking her to a little coffee shop and letting her walk around- the doctor told her it was good that she got some walking in.

Lucille was slipping on some black leggings, and a baggy yellow sweater. This was what she normally wore out, because she going quite button her jeans. She watched as Draco slipped on a turtle neck, his watch on his hand and then some black pants.

"Stare much?" He Rose and eyebrow at her through his dresser mirror.

"Sorry.." her eyes traveled to his ass again, he didn't quite have his pants up and his boxers hugged it very tightly.

She made her move, walking closer to him and he wasn't paying attention at all- she dug her hand straight into his ass crack.

It was just the sudden urge she got to do it- and he jerked his hips forward, slamming into the dresser while his eyes went wide. Lucille couldn't stop laughing- she tried to heave for breath but the actual scared expression on his face when she did that was priceless.

"What is your fascination with my ass?!" He groaned, jerking his pants up faster and pulling out the wedgie she gave him.

"It's just- there," she giggled, catching her breath and watching him turn around. He slipped on some combats boots, giving her a death glare. "Don't be so- uptight." She tried to hold in another laugh. "No pun intended."

"Are you ready?" He huffed, walking up to her and slipping a hand around her waist. "Here." He grabbed a vial off of the dresser and handed it.

It was a vial that protected her while she apparated, so she took the small tube and drunk it, tossing it in the trash can. He grabbed her hand gently and then his wand, mumbling the spell and their bodies twisted and turned.

Her feet landed in hogsMeade, Dracos arm still around her waist and holding her tightly. It still hurt when she apparated, but it hurt a lot less when she took the vials. They were in front of a little coffee shop, and Lucille could really use a butter beer right now.

She slid her hand in Dracos- and of course they got stares. A few days ago it was all over the daily prophet that Draco had gotten a girl pregnant and he had that shut down quickly because what was wrote was terrible- it was saying that the only reason Draco was with Lucille was because she was pregnant. He lost his temper- he nearly killed someone at the ministry.

Draco had quit his job a few days ago and so did Lucille. It wasn't like they needed the money- and with them about to have twins, they couldn't have a job.

Draco opened the door for her, and she walked in with her hand still inter whined with his. They came to this shop often, ordered some of the same things. Lucilles favorite waitress was a small girl who was about thirty years old, and she was very nice. She was one of the few people who congratulated her on her pregnancy and not tried to get with Draco.

She hardly ever looked at Draco unless she was taking his order.

"What do you want today, Love?" He sat down beside her, pulling her chair closer to his and looked at a menu. "Any new craving I should know about?"

"I think I want to buy a plant when we leave here," she told him gently. "But food wise, for today I want some fruit with syrup on them."

"Syrup?" He Rose and eyebrow at her, but once she leaned on the table with her arms, raising her eyebrow at him and giving him a look that said he needed to shut up, he stopped. "Okay, syrup and fruit it is. And after this, we can buy you a plant, Hufflepuff."

She rolled his eyes but laughed, and pecked his lips.


Lucille and Draco exited the shop, walking along the side walk.

They decided to take a seat at a bench- her legs were slightly hurting and she wanted to relax. She sat down slowly, and waited until she felt better to go buy a plant.

Draco stopped in front of her, taking her by surprise and he looked around nervously. There wasn't much people by them, but enough to see what he was about to do. His face was nearly turning red- hed never done this before.

"Are you okay?" She asked him gently- but a small gasp emitted her lips when he got down on one knee.

"Lucille," he looked up at her through her eyelashes. "I don't want to spend my life with anybody else besides you. Your everything I want- and I'm prepared to raise a family with you- I want to raise a family with you."

Lucilles eyes were watering by the minute- her whole felt like it was swelling. If Draco wasn't right in front of her she wouldn't even think this was real-

"I love you." He brought out a box and opened it, revealing a ring that had small emerald diamond in the middle of it. It also had his initials graved into it- there was a matching one in the box for Draco to wear that had her initials graced into it. "Will you marry me?"

By now, a small tear fell out of her eye. She didn't know if it from pregnancy hormones or if it was from the way he was actually proposing to her right now. But nonetheless, she nodded her head yes. "Yes- of course I will-."

He smiled deeply, and got up pulling her into a hug. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and buried her face into his chest while he couldn't wipe the giddy smile off of his face.

When they pulled away, he took her hand gently and slipped on the ring, watching as it fit her finger perfectly. She took the ring for him and grabbed his large hand, slipping on the ring. It baffled her how much larger his hands were compared to hers.

"Now," he pecked her lips gently. "Let's get you a plant, Angel."




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