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[just a reminder to eat, and I love you<3.]


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"Excuse me?"

Dracos voice echoed throughout the living rooom, making Lucilles cheeks heat up even more. His grasp on her neck was firm but gentle and it was just trying to get him to stop talking but she couldn't help but compare it to Jacks.

He used to actually choke her.

And the choke that Jack would use on her wouldn't allow her to breathe, and that's the only thing that was calming her right now- is that Draco would always allow her to breathe.

"You heard me." She responded, with a bit of spite in her tone. She couldn't stand thinking about the fact that he could've been having sex with that women too.

"So you think that the only reason why we have sex is for pure-

"Pleasure." She cut him lowly, finishing his sentence. "It's just pleasure." She felt the sudden urge to cry because that was the main reason why she was crying the last two days. She hated the fact that it was just sex without feelings-

And it totally slipped her mind that she heard him admit to taking a liking for her.

"You- I wouldn't just-." He removed his hand off of her neck, ready to back away and walk straight out of the door. "I haven't had sex with anyone else recently-."

She looked down to the floor, shifting on her shoes uncomfortably and when he cleared his throat he looked back down at her all she did was stare at the ground.

"You think it was sex without feelings- That's fine. Because it was." He snapped, putting up his walls and pushing her away.

And a single tear landed on her face. His words cut through her heart like a knife- a knife she didn't even see coming. She thought he would be different, she thought he would tell her that it wasn't just sex for pleasure and comfort her.

But who was she kidding?

It was Draco Malfoy. Nobody would ever get comfort out of him unless someone broke down his walls- Lucille thought she had done that. She thought she had made him happy- but she thought wrong.

A feeling grew in the pit of her stomach. The feeling when your heart hurts. The feeling when all you can say is, 'oh,' and try your hardest not to think about it but it's there. And the feeling only grew as she took small steps backwards from him.


Her mouth couldn't form any other words, she felt like her world was about to crumble at her feet.

How could she think him coming here would ever end in a good result? How she could ever trick her mind into believing that? Attachment. She was attached to him- she knew it from the first time that they had gotten intimate and now she was rethinking her whole job.

She could quit.

Cedric could pay for there apartment- Lucille wasnt allowed to pay it anyways, Cedric never let her. He made sure that he took care of his little sister, and made sure she had everything she needed, so she didn't even need a job.

"I think it's best if you find a new assistant." She mumbled gently, her voice cracking and another tear rolled down her cheek.

She didn't want to leave him- but she was hoping to at least hurt him like he had done to her. Because his words did hurt, they hurt more than anything right now and she couldn't stop her heart from hurting and the feeling in the pit of stomach growing.

But Mr. Malfoy didn't seem phased at all.

And it hurt her.

I never learn I've been here before.

She was backing away more, his tall figure blurring through her tears and when she turned all the way around she headed up the stairs, before looking at him one last time. "I hope you find someone that makes you happy, Mr. Malfoy."

And when she turned around, that's when his face paled.

She couldn't see it, but it definitely struck a place in his heart. It hurt her even more that she told him that- she wanted to be the one to make him happy. But if having him happy meant that she had to leave, then she'd do it.

She'd do it over and over again.

The feelings she felt for him only grew over the past few weeks- and she hated it. She hated how fucking soft her heart was- how easily attached she grew and how soft her voice always became even when she wanted to sound harsh.

They were completely the opposite of each other.

Draco was cold- he was rude to everybody around him with no remorse. If someone had a past and he knew it about it, he'd make sure to rub whatever terrible thing they did in their face. He was never soft- but he was when it came to Lucille. The way he would caress her body and hold her after they had sex because he knew she was damaged was something he'd never intended to do.


Lucille was sat at her kitchen counter the next morning.

Cedric had walked inside the kitchen, glancing at her small figure that was sulking in sadness while eating a donut. He immediately narrowed his eyebrows, and walked over to where the coffee machine was.

"Luce," he started in a gentle tone while grabbing a mug. "What happen? I thought you guys worked something out?" He hated to admit it, but if his sister was happy with Draco then he had no choice but to support her.

"I quit." She whispered. "I shouldn't have gotten involved with him, I can't-."

She was trying to think of a word. There was a lot of things she thought she couldn't do. She couldn't change him, she could change how cold he always was and she couldn't make him become nicer. She couldn't help him become a better person- she couldn't break through his walls and comfort him like he needed sometimes.

She was stupid for ever thinking that she could change Draco Malfoy.

"Lucy, maybe it's for the best." He suggested softly, as his coffee mug was being filled with hot coffee. "He's not a good person. At all."

Lucille furrowed her eyebrows. "Are you ever going to tell me why you hate him so much? I'm not stupid, he had to have done something to you." She asked, and took another small bite of her donut while her eyes nearly blurred with tears again.

"He's just- he did an awful thing, Lucille. He's the same as he was in hogwarts- I'll give him that but it seems to me that he's still playing with girls." Cedric responded, but Lucille knew that he wasn't telling the full story.

"Tell me the whole-."

"Luce, it's probably not the best idea." He calmly cut her off, "Maybe one day, but not today." He grabbed his bag off of the table. "I have to go to work. You promise you'll be fine here in your own?"

"Yes," she replied softly, her voice barely coming out as a whisper.

When he gave her a kiss on the cheek and left, she was rushing up the stairs. She had only been in Cedrics room maybe four times because she mainly stayed in hers.

But she wanted to found out what happened between them so bad.

So she was going to do the one thing she actually knew how to go besides cry; snoop.




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