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Lucille was sat in her shower.

Her thoughts were running wild. Specifically about the conversation that Draco and Astoria had earlier. She didn't have time to give it more thought because as soon as she wanted to she had to run back to the office- and then he got mad.

That led up to sex.

But now that's she's actually thinking about it, the words that he spoke made her want to jump to conclusions. His words rang in her head over and over again.

'What you did to my body.'

She really didn't want to assume but the way his voice completely change and if wavered over when he spoke- it made her think the worst. But she couldn't ask him about it because he wasn't ready to open up and she'd never force him to. She'd never demand for him to tell her what he went through.

And another thought was her birthday.

It was in two days- she wasn't sure what she wanted to do. She definitely doesn't want it to be a big deal, but she would like to do something with Draco.

But then again-

Did he even know when her birthday was?

Lucille was sure Cedric hadn't told him, she had yet to figure out why he hated Draco so much. She also hadn't figured out why he was still talking to cho- but she decided that it was something he was going to have to tell him on her own. She wasn't going to invade his privacy like that.

She slowly stepped out of the shower, and wrapped a towel around her body while walking back into her room to pick out some clothes to wear. She chose a yellow sweater with some pajama shorts that were a light cream color. She didn't bother with her curls before walking out of her room.

When she got down the stairs to her surprise she saw Draco and Cedric sitting at the table with a piece of parchment and they were whispering.

First time I've seen them getting along.


Before Lucille could finish her sentnace Cedric practically threw the parchment off the table and shot out of his chair. "Hey! Why don't you go sit in the living room and I'll fix your breakfast."

She raised on eyebrow at him, but he just guided her towards the couch and threw her a blanket. She wanted to say hi to Draco, but obviously that wasn't gonna happen.

And then they went back to whispering.

"Okay what are you whispering about?" Lucille turned her head to them, and when she took hold of what Draco was wearing her breathe nearly knocked out.

He was wearing a black turtle neck with his hair slicked back and some loose strands settling in front of his face, while his black pants fit him firmly. His blue eyes were piercing into her skull, making her feel like she could melt into his grasp right there. 

"Your bi-."

The door bell rang, cutting Cedric off and when he furrowed his eyebrow he looked at Lucille. "Are you expecting guests?"

She shook her head no, and when he stood up Draco was standing up to, walking over to her and sliding his hands around her waist to bring her body onto his while he sat down on the couch and she cuddled into his chest.

Cedric opened the door, and Lucille narrowed her eyebrows even more at the women who stood at the door.


Her Asian complexion made Lucille think she was even more beautiful then she used to be in hogwarts. Her blue dress she was wearing complemented her appearance and her hair was half up and half down.

"C-Cho?" Cedric stuttered out and Lucille could see the emotion that flashed over his face.

She also felt Dracos grip on her tighten, and when she looked at him he had his face scrunched up looking at Cho. Lucille watched as Cho and Cedric stared at each other but then her eyes shifted to Lucille and Draco.

It was clear something had happened with these three, because the way Chos mouth parted and a gasp left her lips at the sight of Draco- it made Lucille want her to stop looking at him.

"You- You forgave him?" Cho spoke quietly, and Lucille furrowed her eyebrows even more.

She didn't understand what happened between them. Did Draco sleep with her? Did he hurt her? What if Cedric did something?

"It was never him I needed to forgive," Cedric responded and gave Cho a look of matter of factory.

Draco had a vacant expression on his face- empty. But now Lucille was even more confused-so confused by everything that was happening. If what Cedric said was true then why was he mad at Draco in the first place? Jealousy?

Lucille released a sigh, practically begging someone to break the silence. She definitely wasn't going to do it, she felt like it wasn't a her place.

"I think I should go-." Draco started to shift and Lucille didn't want him to go.

"No," she whispered to him and he gave her an apologetic look before trying to get her off of him but she wouldn't let him go.

Her hands clasped onto his torso, her knees and thighs squeezing his legs shut. He couldn't move with her like this, not unless he threw her off so he released a sigh and relaxed back into the couch.

"You don't need to go," Cedrics voice wavered, "We're actually gonna talk outside."

He shut the door behind him leaving Lucille and Draco by there selves. She finally let go of him, and pressed her hands against his chest while he stared up at her.

It made her melt how he was looking at her. The way his eyes glistened, how he held onto her body without wanting to let her go, and how whenever the fell asleep he would whisper sweet nothings in her ear. It scared Lucille how much she was falling for him- because she didn't know if he was back. He had admitted to liking her, but that could just be a stupid crush.

At least she thought it was.

"I'm tired of being clueless," she mumbled to him.

"It's not my place to tell." He mumbled back, tucking a strand of hair being her ear. "It's Cedrics." He sat up straighter, holding her waist while she now straddled him. "What do you want to do for your birthday?"

I want you to take me out on a date.

She didn't say it, because she didn't want to seem needy but she really did want him to take her out on a date. He's the first man to ever treat her right and she wanted to be seen with him publicly- but again- she didn't think that's what he wanted.

So instead, she shrugged her shoulders and got comfortable on his chest while he large hands enveloped her in her a hug. She breathed in his intoxicating scent, and it gave her comfort.

"I'm taking you on a date, Mi Amor."




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