3; (the meeting)

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Days before; how you and Wooyoung met.

You were out running around for errands; the usual grocery shopping and paying bills. Just these tasks were enough to make you lose your energy of course. Being ill and doing what most people called 'simple tasks,' wasn't so simple for you and others alike. Once you had finished up paying the bills and buying the groceries, you walked out of the store feeling somewhat weak. As you were taking a long walk in the parking lot with your cart full of bags, the beaming sunlight did not help that weak and tired feeling.

"Why did I have to park so far..." Mumbling at yourself since you chose to park quite the distance due to the recent minor attacks on your car. You felt paranoid parking close as you would always find new scratches on it.

You were half way there until you managed to trip, which embarrassed you but the tired feeling came over making you sigh out and not care if anyone saw anymore. You knew they would ignore you.

However, you would be proven wrong as you noticed the sun wasn't shining it's beam directly on you anymore while you were still on the ground. Luckily the cart had not drifted away much and stayed in place since you didn't shove it. You looked up, taking your eyes off the ground and were met with a guy. A devastatingly, beautiful guy at that. Nerves in your stomach formed a bit.

"Are you okay?!" He asked with a worried look as he knelt down to examine you.
Feeling your cheeks grow pink since you weren't used to this kind of attention, especially not from a handsome guy. He looked to be around your age, maybe slightly younger? The words wouldn't come out of your mouth however only worrying him more.

He brought the back of his hand gently to your forehead, making you freeze. "Woah! You feel really hot!"

You mentally cursed yourself. 'Damn it. Of course, one of my fevers had to happen now.'

Since the guy was so close and you still hadn't uttered a word out loud, you took a look into his eyes and suddenly he ripped his hand off you. 'Is he... flustered?' You thought this because he suddenly looked very shy himself. It was cute.

"I'm sorry, I'm typically 'too' out-going. I must have scared you..." He said, with a voice sounding so sweet. You could listen to it for hours.

"No, sorry. I'm just... out of it..." You finally spoke, making him pause for a moment. A look you couldn't figure out was on his face as he heard you speak. He then nodded, "should I take you to a nearby immediate care?"

A guy you didn't even know was offering to take you to doctors and it all felt like a strange dream as you couldn't believe what was happening. Nobody was this kind to you before. Suddenly a car blared it's horns loudly and didn't look like it was going to stop. Which is typically the type of stuff you expect in life.

"Oh shit!" The handsome guy had cursed, pushing your cart further to the side and grabbing a firm but yet somehow soft hold of your wrist to pull you up. You were extremely light so he was able to do it with ease. You ended up with your head buried into his chest, 'he smells really nice, like lilacs.' His hand was still around your wrist. The car speeding past you both.

"What the hell is their problem?!" The guy lightly yelled towards the speeding car, obviously appalled by it.

Touch-starved probably described you well as you felt like burning even more from just having your face in his chest. Fevers and charmingly sweet guys were a deadly combo. He wasn't extremely tall but you were pretty short. You fit well with him physically either way, like a puzzle piece that was meant to be here. You quickly pulled away, stopping any more thoughts from surfacing. Your heart was already speeding up and you thought it had to be from never being close with someone like this, ever. There was no way you were actually feeling something for a stranger but was that really the truth? Time would tell.

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