4; (the news)

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Present day.

Today was the day you found out more health news and shattered, closing yourself off. Locked up in your bedroom, crying your heart out. The good news is, if this doctor is correct, it should start putting you on the path of recovering. If she is wrong, it'll hurt you more and you don't think you could handle another blow. You thought you should be happy although a brutal and strict plan had to be followed now but instead, you felt sadness that you had to go and develop another illness plus extra problems. It was exhausting.

Your phone was pinging madly and you knew, only one person could be spamming you right now. You knew Wooyoung was waiting at home to hear back from you.

You stopped your crying to go grab your phone but a coughing fit had started. The coughing fits come and go, either from the nodule in your throat sometimes hurting or from the horrid acid reflux you got often; which started damaging your vocal chords just a bit. Your coughing fits could last anywhere between five minutes to forty minutes. Seemed like many minutes would be the one today. You groaned in between a cough.

Several minutes had passed and that's when your phone started ringing. Obviously Wooyoung now was worrying and trying to get a hold of you since you didn't reply to his texts yet. You tried your best to stifle some coughs and answer the phone.

"H-hello," you answered with a scratchy throat. A small cough escaping from your mouth. Wooyoung on the other end, already frowning at the sound.

"(y/n), is it a coughing fit?" He asked, already knowing you so well within a week and learning your uncontrollable habits.

"Yes..." you barely let out and kept trying to hold it in.

A sigh escaped Wooyoung's lips. His tone was gentle "don't worry (y/n), don't hold them in. Let them out. I'll stay on the line and wait so you're not alone."

Your heart melted a bit at that but you still covered the phone as best as you physically could as you let out coughs. Wooyoung hated hearing you suffer. He heard it muffled through the phone. He hated feeling like there was nothing he could do himself. If he had cures, the universe knows he would do anything to cure you himself. Even if he only knew you for a week. Time meant nothing to him when he felt a connection to you from the moment he saw you. What that connection meant, he did not know although he was slightly sure but didn't want to admit it. All he knew was that he had to befriend you somehow and be here for you afterwards. Of course, he also had to help you that day you met since you saw you collapse in a parking lot. No normal person can ignore that. Sincerely, he did want to befriend you. Not just because you were ill and needed someone, he really thought you were a special person in general especially when you first looked into his eyes and first spoke.

When the coughing fit was fully over, you were able to speak with him though your voice sounding raspy now because it always did after a fit. It would return to normal after an hour or so.

"Hey Wooyoungie," you said making him chuckle at bit.

"You okay, dear?" he was pacing around his bedroom as he spoke to you. His friends walking past his room to check in on him since he told them you would get medical news today. His friends knew he was scared of what that news would be.

"Why do you make me feel like the younger friend sometimes?" you replied, going to lay with your back on the bed.

"You're the mature friend but sometimes I just wanna be here for you. It's okay to have moments of feeling younger. I'm here for you in the moments you feel weak, ok?" He read you well because that is exactly how you felt, weak and he knew you hated it but always assured you that it was okay. "I know I can be immature but..." he paused for a moment and you continued hanging on to his every word, "but... I can be a man and you can lean on me when you need to..."

Both hearts skipped a beat at that. Wooyoung started thinking if those were the right words and through the phone you could feel that shyness of his about to consume him so you spoke up quickly, "thank you, Wooyoungie... you're the best."

He was happy to hear that but still, the heat creeping up on his skin didn't stop the blush from spreading across his face.

"About today Wooyoung-" You started as you wanted to tell him what the news was.

"Wait!" He half yelled and you paused. "Can we meet up please? I wanna hear in person." It felt like the right thing to him and although you didn't want him knowing you were crying, you couldn't say no to him at all.

"S-sure..." you stuttered while smacking your forehead with your free hand for stuttering.

"Great! Where do you wanna meet?" He had stopped pacing around his room, feeling grateful you two would meet up now. The happiness in his voice showing. You actually didn't live far from one another, only fifteen minutes away.

"How about the park nearby? It usually doesn't have many people around." You said.

"Sounds good, I will see you there soon!" He replied and you said your 'see ya soon' and hung up.

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