5; (the news pt. 2)

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Wooyoung was already a few minutes early to the park; he picked an open spot so you could easily find him as you walked through the gates. This park was different from others, in that it was very quiet with few people around. Those few people coming here to mostly meditate since there were many beautiful ponds and gardens around.

You strolled in spotting Wooyoung sitting on a bench in the middle. He was already facing you so once he saw you, he started running towards you. You did your best to dry your face before arriving but your eyes were red. You hoped he wouldn't notice it, hiding behind your glasses somehow.

You couldn't help but smile when you saw him rush towards you. Something finally cheering you up today. You started walking towards him since running was a bit difficult for you to do right now but he caught up to you quickly so you didn't even have to walk much.

Instantly, he wrapped his arms around you for a tight but comforting hug. You should have expected it but still weren't fully able to get used to it. You're just pretty shocked at how adorable he is despite always seeing him be this way. Receiving affection from Wooyoung was common but hard to wrap your head around after being a loner for so long. You would freeze up at first but slowly give in to that comforting and safe-like feeling, lightly hugging him back. When you started doing that because the first few times you would just stand there, Wooyoung always ended up getting that shy feeling. He loved when you would hug him back and show you're comfortable with him. He would always joke and tell you, 'oh c'mon, you can give me a stronger hug than that!' or 'afraid you're gonna break me?' Which flustered you but made you giggle.

Today he didn't do that; you two just stayed hugging for a bit. Both secretly enjoying it without letting it on. When you both finally broke apart, he took a look at your face and frowned. You knew that he realized you were crying but you knew he also wouldn't bring it up when you gave him a look that read, 'don't wanna talk about it yet...' Since he would still have to mention it at some point because he wanted you to always know that he was here for you.

He took the cue and grabbed your hand, holding it while guiding you to an empty spot in the park; away from the people meditating. A more secluded area where trees could hide you both a bit. His hand was so warm while yours was so cold.

"Wooyoung, don't let my cold hands ruin your warmth." You'd try to pull away but he wouldn't let you. Not looking back at you as you walked a step behind him. He still led you before you reached the exact spot.

"Nonsense, I wanna warm you up. I got enough warmth for the both of us." He would casually reply and this made your heart beat faster. You only hummed in reply.

It was safe to assume, you probably liked your new best friend a tiny bit more than you thought you should have. You were willing to keep that buried inside you though, hoping this feeling would go away in the future when time starts to pass. It wouldn't surprise you if he had many people having some kind of a crush towards him. He just makes it way too easy to like him. You had no confidence of him ever having a crush on you back because you knew he was just a natural sweetheart.

You made it to the spot and he still didn't let go of your hand. You both sat down under a pretty and small myrtle tree, blooming pink flowers. His face got serious as he looked at you, still holding your hand. You knew he wanted to know the news now. You took a deep breath, making sure tears won't start sliding out.

"It's not very good," you bluntly said and he started frowning a bit but waiting for you to go on. You reminded him a little bit of one of his friends, called Kang Yeosang. His friend was blunt so he was okay with you not sugar-coating words. "She found another..." you felt a bit shaky but held strong and his grip on your hand tightened. "I have two autoimmune diseases and this one harms the gut. But we all know most health comes from your gut and all my tummy issues make sense now."

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