8; (devotion)

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You woke up in a room that was unknown to you and felt your eyes blinking into focus. The window showed it was night time but a lamp was lit up in your room. The whole house was quiet. You felt a bit chilly as you realized an ice pack was under your neck as you were laying and a cool washcloth was on your forehead. You slowly got up to sit up straight, putting the ice pack and washcloth aside. You jolted when you looked down and saw Wooyoung sitting on the floor, holding your one hand and his head buried into the sheets, sleeping. You realized this was probably his home that he shared with his friends. You noticed all your stuff was unpacked and everything was set up. You saw a clock on the wall that read 2:00am.

Taking another look at Wooyoung, you sighed and lightly moved your hand out of his which ended up waking him.

"(y/n)...?" he asked in a sleepy-like voice, not being loud.

"Yeah, I'm awake Woo..." you whispered, "please go sleep now. I'm feeling better." More guilt is what you had felt at all this; him and his friends probably setting up your room and him staying him until he passed out. You felt so bad.

Wooyoung took a look at your face while you weren't looking. He was fully waking up and sighed, knowing something was bothering you.

"I know..." he started and you looked at him, "you probably don't like this, I assume. I promise you my friends will be nice to you, they know you are dealing with being sick. We like to joke around a lot but we will take it easy. I know you won't be used to having eight guys around you at first but they're really like family. They are good guys."

The frown on your face growing as you felt super grateful but still the guilt was what was eating you alive right now. As if your anxiety picked up on it, you felt a spell of crying coming. You hated being so 'difficult,' you thought. Slowly, tears were pouring out.Wooyoung had you move slightly as he came to sit on your bed and be closer to you.

"Please (y/n), tell me what else I can do?" Wooyoung pleaded as he started wiping the tears off your face.

"Oh Wooyoung, y-you..." hic, "are doing so m-much for me" hic, "already." You blurted out.

A light bulb went off in his head at your sentence, "(y/n)... do you by any chance... feel guilty?" You nodded and cried. He pulled you into a hug.

"No, no shhh" he said so soothingly, "please don't cry. There is nothing for you to feel guilty about at all." He tried his best at soothing you down and vanishing your anxiety that came. You realized how much you depended on him. He was the same as your guardian angel. She was the only one who could calm you down and now Wooyoung, had that same ability. His protective but affectionately warm embrace, the way he was wiping your tears off before. No other human being gave that secure feeling but you didn't want to depend on it because it felt wrong to do so. You wanted to be stronger. You didn't want Wooyoung to miss out on life by helping you always.

When the crying stopped and you got a bit tired, he put a space between you two. The hug ending since it lasted for a few minutes but he was still close to you. His hands now on your shoulders.

"Do you feel guilty, (y/n)?" He sincerely asked, still keeping his voice down as his friends were sound asleep in other rooms and you followed in keeping a low volume.

You couldn't look at his eyes, hesitating but the words came out, "...I do."

"(y/n), look at me please..." He asked and you did as told, eyes red and puffy from tears. "You have nothing to feel guilty for. You did nothing wrong. My friends and I want to help you, it is no burden at all. They can adjust to things easily plus your battle won't be forever. (y/n), you will get better. Okay?" His words were too kind for your own good.

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