Chapter 6 - The crazy story of Niall and Liam

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Chapter 6 – The crazy story of Niall and Liam

I leaned back against the cushions and listen to Niall and Liam – mostly Niall – talk. “You remember the day I got the tattoo and I was late for that interview?” Niall asked me first and I nodded, indeed remembering that day.

“Well, that day I decided to walk around town for a bit, it was a beautiful day and snowing, so why not, you know? I was walking past this alley and it was as if something was calling me to go in there. I didn’t had control over my legs anymore and they walked me in the alley, where I found a weird white stone.” He told me and took a necklace out from under his shirt. It was somewhat similar to mine, only this one was a pure white colour, and it had a soft silver glow. My hand went to my chest, touching my own blue stone.

“When I was in front of the stone I had regained control over my body, but I still couldn’t walk away. I touched the stone and an intense pain went through my body, I blacked out and a voice of fire talked to me in my head. When I woke up again, my senses were heightened and I had this tattoo.

I went to a bakery and Harry found me and bought me back, I assume you know that part of the story.” He gave me a sheepish grin and I nodded. Remembering that we were very worried that something had happened to Niall. For all we knew he could have been kidnapped.

“Zayn was the first one to notice the tattoo. When Liam here saw the tattoo he had paled and later I found out why.” Niall said.

“I had the exact same one as Niall,” Liam added. He held up his right wrist, showing his own tattoo. Why didn’t I ever notice that one before? “I was born with it and my family thinks it’s a birth mark of some sorts, but now I know it’s more.”

Niall went into the story again, “We decided to go to the alley again, to search for the white stone. We didn’t found it, but we found this necklace instead. When we went back to the hotel, we decided to do some research. After a few hours of searching on Google we came across a site that was dedicated to The Five.” When he said that, I raised my eyebrows in surprise.

“Okay, let me guess,” I said, holding my hand up. “On that site you found that you were a superhero of some sorts?” I guessed.

Liam sighed. “Kind of. It pretty much explained about the powers, Lucky Charms and the tattoo.” He said.

“Lucky Charm? As in the cereal?” I laughed.

Niall pointed to his necklace. “Each member from The Five has one of those necklaces; they are called the Lucky Charms. They strengthen our powers, help us in our time of need and they bring good luck,” He said. “And when their rightful owner wears the Lucky Charm, it won’t go off ever again. I know, I tried.”

As to prove his point, he took the necklace in his hand and made the motion to put it off. I watched the necklace tighten around his throat wide-eyed and I gasped. Niall grinned and let go of his Lucky Charm. It untightened and fell back to above his heart. “Awesome,” I whispered.

“Try yourself, don’t worry, you can’t choke.” He offered. I shrugged my shoulders and tried to rip the Lucky Charm off my neck. It tightened around my neck, yet somehow I could still breathe. Niall grinned towards Liam when he saw that. “Told you that Louis would be the second one,” he whispered lowly, and somehow I could hear him.

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