Sugar, Spice, and Blood (AU)

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{Heavily inspired by "Sugar Rush", a Netflix Original}


A scream was followed by a gun shot. The whole cast turned to you.

"Miss Y/N! You just killed our guest judge!"

You whipped around. "DO I LOOK LIKE I'M THREE?!"

The staff jumped. For being 14, you we're scary as hell. Your hand reached up, rubbing your eyelids, before pointing to a random staff member, your eyes still closed.

"Uhhhh... You. Find me a new judge."

"B-but... we go live in 30 minutes."

"So I guess you better hurry."

In a rush, the staff member threw his clipboard into another worker's hands and ran off. The stress was getting to you. You were tired of being in the cold, dry, Arctic. Was this really the only place that you could safety broad cast the show?

You let out a groan, bringing your hands to your lips, which were now almost blue. You slowly squatted down, trying to save some heat while also trying to tune out all the extra's noise (haha reference). Clutching yourself, you recalled how you had gotten here.

A few years ago, your father started the show, and you volunteered to host it. You were always good with killing, which was pretty much the whole premise of the show. Four teams would bake and compete. The winning team would go home with 50,000 dollars, and their lives. The rest, well, they would be long gone by then.

Damn it all. How were you going to pull it all off today? The heater in the studio had broke last night as you had all ended the show, and now the cold Arctic chill was beginning to make its way through the insulation.

Alas, you stood, and made your way to the studio.


Five didn't actually expect to find the radio waves that morning. In fact, just a few weeks ago he didn't expect his father to allow him to have this one mission all to himself. Now, what is the mission? Simple.

Find where the studio of "Sugar, Spice, and Blood" is, and kill it's host while rescuing as many hostages as possible.

The radio waves though.. that was a whole new shock.

The instructions were simple.

Stay quiet, do what the host says, don't make her angry.

Five switched off the radio. He could do that.



The attendant cried out, begging you to stop. You clutched his collar, fist raised and ready. His broken nose and black eye made Five look down, trying not to chuckle. Thankfully, his domino mask hid the laughter in his eyes.


The attendant shook in fear, tears a blood trickling onto the floor.

"Calm down, Miss L/N."

You raised your head, hearing your last name. Another attendant, one that looked to be 18, walks over, gently wrapping his hands around your shoulders.

"Picture it. One of your worst enemies, a guest on the show. You would be even more famous then you already are!"

You paused, tilting your head in thought. You dropped the attendant, and he gave out one final cry, before cowering and crawling away.

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