Claire's Christmas

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"Don't touch that!" You yelled, making Claire jerk back. "It's still hot."

You bent down, inspecting the young girl's hand. "You're lucky you didn't get burned."

You went back to pulling sugar cookies out of the oven as Claire watched from a distance.

"Aunt Y/N?"

You looked up, humming in response.

"Do you and Uncle Five still hate each other?"

You paused. "You tell me."

Claire looked down, fumbling with her fingers. "I think that you and Five like each other, like Mom always said at bedtime."

"Allison said what?" You asked, turning back to her.

"Every night, when Mom told me stories, she would say that you and Five liked one another."

You raised an eyebrow. "What if I told you we still hate each other?"

Claire paused, fiddling with the hem of her skirt. "I would do everything I could to make you two fall in love!" She said, determined.

This made you chuckle, and begin to pull the cookies off the sheets and place them on the cooling racks.

But for Claire, she saw this as her time to shine, and become the Hargreeves' Family Cupid.


Five sat in the library, reading calmly. Christmas Eve had snuck up on him, and it only gave him more anxiety about the gift he planned to give you. So, he spent his time reading in attempt to distract himself.

The smell of sugar cookies wafted in from the kitchen, making him smile and sigh happily.

He turned the page of his book, before stopping. Someone else was in the room. He turned to the door, inspecting it.

It let out a creek as it pushed open slightly. Who ever had opened it was already in. He turned to the bookshelves to his left, only to hear footsteps. He jerked back letting out a scream as Claire smiled in front of him.

"DONT DO THAT!" He cried, his hand on his pounding heart.

"Sorry!" She said, smiling guiltily. "I was looking for you."

Five paused. "Why?"

His question made her jump, and she looked around nervously.

"I-um," She stuttered. "I was wondering what kind of things you like."

Five raised an eyebrow. "Is this for a gift? You know, I would be satisfied with a hug." He said, patting her head.

"I know! But I need to know things that you like!"

The boy sighed at her persistence. "I like..." he turned to the portrait of you in the living room. You looked to be about ten, and had your arms crossed, determined.

"Roses. They're deadly, but beautiful." He said dreamily, leaning on his open palm and continuing to stare at the painting.

"Okay!" Claire chirped, and ran out of the room.


Five made his way to your shared bedroom, only to find a bouquet of roses in the main living room. He looked around, before walking over to the fire place and inspecting them.

"Yes!" Claire whispered from behind the bar. "Pick them up!"

Five looked down, picking up the roses. On them, a small tag read his name. He scoffed.

"ITS NOT FUNNY ANYMORE DIEGO. ITS JUST SAD!" He yelled, before turning.

"No no no! Pick up the card!"

The hand written card that Claire had made, which had taken her an hour to get the cursive perfect, was sent into the flames of the fire as Five turned on his heel.

He placed the bouquet into a vase with water, and spacial jumped away.

Claire let out a groan.


Claire turned to the door to see Diego.

"Oh. Hey, Claire. What're you doing here all alone?" He asked, walking over and picking her up.

"I'm trying to get Aunt Y/N and Uncle Five to love each other." She paused, before gasping. "Will you help me?"

Diego raised an eyebrow, before realization hit him. He burst out laughing, making Claire confused.

"You know what?" He said, wiping a tear from his eye. "Sure."


"Are you sure this will work?" Claire asked.

Diego nodded. "I made sure of it. Signed it as Y/N and everything."

Claire swung her legs back and forth in Diego's lap. Yesterday, she and him had gone out shopping, looking for a gift that was sure to make you two fall in love. Now that it was Christmas night, the Hagreeves would open all their gifts.

"I don't understand. How will giving Uncle Five a dog collar make him and Aunt Y/N fall in love?"

He motioned to the said uncle. "You see him? He's drunk as a skunk."

Five giggled next to you as you said something, a half-empty bottle in his hand.

"Go! Give it to him!"

Claire jumped down and you stepped away, saying you had to go to the bathroom.

"This one is for you, Uncle Five!" She said cheerily. "It's from Aunt Y/N!"

Five smiled slightly, taking the small wrapped box from her hand and un-tying the bow. He slowly opened the box, only to slam it shut.

A bright red dusted his cheeks as you stepped back into the room.

"Are you okay, Five?" Ben asked.

"Hm? Oh. Yeah! I'm..fine." He muttered, before grabbing onto your hand and spacial jumping away.

"It worked!" Claire cried, making Diego wheeze.

Allison turned to him.

"What the hell did you do?"

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