The March Hare

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"Or, there's always the March Hare, in that direction." The Cheshire Cat smiled, pointing from his perch in the tree.

"Thank you." Aidan stuttered. His white waist coat, beige slacks, white shoes and white tie along with his baby blue button down shirt all creased as he bowed with appreciation. "I think I shall visit him."

"Of course, she's mad, too." The Cheshire Cat corrected.

"But I don't want to go among mad people!" Aidan complained, putting his hands on his hips.

"Oh, you can't help that." The cat smiled. "Most everyone's mad here. You may have noticed I'm not all there myself..." he trailed off, beginning to disappear as he continued off where he had left off on his song. "And the mome raths outgrabe..."

"Goodness.." Aidan whispered to himself, beginning to walk in the direction of the Hatter and the Hare. "If the people here are like that, then I must try not to upset them."

He walked for a few moments, before coming upon a small cottage. In the back, many lamps hung from the trees. Aidan could hear the faintest sound of music. He snuck up to a table in the backyard, trying to make out figures over the steam created by the teapots as they played a tune.

"If there are no objections, let it be unanimous," A woman, wearing a red tail coat that fit her like a bodice and a long white skirt underneath.

"A very merry unbirthday," a man, wearing an off-green coat, with a darker green pants and matching top hat, joined in.

"A very merry unbirthday," the woman continued. It was then Aidan noticed the large rabbit ears poking out of her head.

"A very merry unbirthday to us!" For a moment, Aidan thought he should speak, but they continued.

"A very merry unbirthday to me!" The Hare sang.

"To who?"

"To me!"

"Oh, you!"

"A very merry unbirthday to you!"

"Who, me?"

"Yes, you!"

"Oh, me!" The Hatter replied, taking a cup of tea from the Hare.

"Let's all congratulate us with another cup of tea," The Hare picked up her own tea cup, before reaching into a pot, and pulling out a fairly sleepy mouse. The Hatter pulled off his hat and swung it in the air, yet revealed a smaller hat underneath. The Hare grabbed it and swung it around, revealing an even smaller hat, which the mouse grabbed. "A very merry unbirthday to you!"

With that, the song ended, and Aidan began to clap quickly. The Hare slammed the mouse back into the tea pot upon spotting Aidan, and both she and the Hatter began to scream "no room!" repeatedly, while running across the long table and motioning for Aidan to leave.

"But I thought there was plenty of room." Aidan replied, motioning to the empty table.

"Ah, but it's rude to sit without being invited." The Hare said, swinging her finger in front of Aidan's face as she sat on the arm rest of his chair.

"I'll say it's rude!" The Hatter agreed. "It's very, very rude indeed!"

"Very, very, very rude indeed." The sleepy mouse called from his tea pot.

"I'm very sorry." Aidan apologized, looking between the Hatter and the Hare. "But I did enjoy your singing! And I wondered if you could tell me-"

"You enjoyed our singing?" The Hare asked, cutting Aidan off and leaning in far too close on the arm rest.

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