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"Zero, you get that?" Ghost asked, and you nodded patiently.

He sighed, looking around the safe house.

He was a stoic and hunk of a man. He had opted to keep his tactical gear on while you had already stripped to your tank top and cargo pants.

"Did you really have to take your gear off?"

"It's fucking freezing," you spat back. "I'm not sweating all night in that shit. I'd take off my pants if I could. Lord knows evac won't be for another 11 or 12 hours. I miss the task force. Never had to put up with this shit."

"I miss 'em too."

Despite going on hundreds of missions with Ghost during your time on TF 121, he hadn't grown as close with you as you would like. He was still... awkward.

"Am I making you uncomfortable, Lieutenant?"

"Why would you think that?" He placed his rifle down, and slowly sunk down onto the couch, which was facing away from the chair you were slouched in.

"I think you're the kind of guy who gets intimidated by women in general, let alone American Women. Something tells me British dames aren't your type."

He was silent. He was mulling over what you said.

"It's true, isn't it Simon?"

"Shut your pretty mouth, Zero. It's not like a guy on the front lines gets much action."

"Uh, on the contrary," you smirked. "Soap gets a lot of action."

"Which I am unfortunately aware of."

A sound caught you off guard, and you looked around the dark house.

"Did you?--"

"Shh," Ghost stood, looking around.


You both whipped around, pointing pistols to a... young man?

"What the hell?" You asked. "A spy?"

You studied the boy's school uniform.

"I say we kill 'em. I don't like his ugly little face anyways."

"I think he's handsome," you said, letting the pistol fall back onto the table.

"Don't you dare engage, Zero--"

"Hi, honey! What's your name?"

"Five," he smiled an... oddly sadistic looking smile. "Nice to see you grown up again, Y/N. Was getting used to you as a child."

"The hell did he just call you?"

"My real name," you raised a brow, before grabbing the kids collar and pinning him against the wall. "Who the fuck are you?" You spat.

"Take it easy, baby," he chuckled. "I'm unarmed."

"I've got the shot, Zero," Ghost spoke slowly.

"You're Zero now?" 'Five' asked. "Who's this?"

You studied his face for a moment. While there was cockiness and abrasion, there was genuine curiosity. You let him drop.

"Allow me to introduce British Special Forces, Lieutenant Ghost."

"Fuck kinda a name is 'Ghost'?"

"Cause by the time you see me, you're already dead," Simon spat, allowing the rifle to flop onto the couch. "How the hell did you get in here?"

"I jumped. I think I might be sleeping."

You raised a brow.

"Disorientation? He doesn't act like he has a concussion."

"I don't know what the hell he has, but he's pissin' me off."

"What about you," he asked, turning to your body. "FBI?"

"I was US Special Forces for a while, till they kicked me out."


"I slept with everyone," you rolled your eyes. "But then our Captain hit me up, and I was in."

"Stop fucking telling this twat everything, Zero! You're gonna blow a fucking fuse in me head!"

"The fuck is your problem with this kid?" You asked, hand on your hip as you turned around. "He could be a civilian seeking shelter."

"Look into his eyes, Zero," Ghost thrust a finger at the boy. "Does he look like he needs protection?"

"I see a lost little boy," you smiled, scooping him up in a hug.

Ghost watched in disgust as the boy buried his face into your breasts. He wanted to pound the kid into a pulp, almost as much as he wanted to kill Soap whenever he saw you leaving his room.

"You never told me your name was Y/N," Simon said slowly, sitting back down.

"I don't even know what you look like. I missed the meeting, remember?"

Ghost sighed. It was true. You had been on a different mission at the time of the meeting where he ripped his balaclava off. One thing was for sure, he wasn't letting this stupid kid see his face.

"So," the boy spoke, suddenly free from your grasp and walking around. "Ghost..."

He plopped down next to Simon, and the man tried to scoot away.

"What make you so special?"

This kid was asking all the right questions to push Riley over the edge. He was gonna pop his puny head like a grape.

"Ghosty here has saved my life many, many times," you flopped down into a large, cushioned chair, directly across from the boys.

"Really?" Five asked in mock-awe. "How many?"

You sighed, sitting up.

"Siberia, Mexico, Mexico again, that weird thing with Hassan,"

"Don't forget Singapore."

"How could we forget Singapore?" You laughed, continuing to count in your head. "Eight, nine times?"

"Hm... I've only saved you three or four times," the boy slowly turned to glare at Ghost.

"Do what now?" You asked.

"Well, I should be going," the boy stood, before an evil smirk spread across his face. "Make sure to keep your pants on,"

You began to cough violently, and Ghost looked around, indifferent. The boy exited the house, followed by a whoosh-ing sound.

"He was... odd."

"Take your pants off,"


"Take your fucking pants off, Zero."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2023 ⏰

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