9: The Fall

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~Tyler's point of view~

Once we'd finished watching every single movie it was very late at night. Almost midnight, we had run out of sandwiches and the few bottles of sodas Josh had brought with him.

"Would you like to cuddle Joshy?" I asked against his chest. "Of course," he replied and grabbed me. "You're so warm," I replied almost completely consumed by the blanket and by Josh. "You're so very warm, my ty." He said, and soon enough I heard his lovely snores.

Reminding me that he's real and very much alive. Alive with me. Us, together forever. "I love you,"  I told sleeping Joshy. "I love you too Ty," he said. As if it was the last time he'd ever tell me.


I woke up to Josh singing. "Even though we ain't got money, I'm so in love with you honey." My Josh sang. "And everything will bring a chain of love," we sang together. Although mine was in a whisper. "Good morning my ty," he said. He picked me up and swung me around. I giggled in response to being picked up.

"I love you," he said to me. Kissing my cheeks and my forehead. "Last night was wondrous," Joshy said. "I love you too Joshy." I said, he set me on the floor and went over to the door. In front of him was the picnic basket. "Josh! Watch out!" I yelled, he turned his head toward me. It all happened in slow motion, the trip, and then him falling out the door. Into the wilderness. Twenty feet under us. "JOSHUA!" I yelled.


The room was bright. But not bright enough. "Beep beep beeep." Went the monitor. He's still alive. But he's in a coma. I just want my Joshy to wake up. Jenna rushed into the room, along with Ash at her side. "Josh!" Jenna yelled. Ash looked at my wrecked statue, "Tyler!" Ash said and pulled me into a hug.

"What happened to him?!" Jenna asked me. "We- we were in a treehouse together. F-for the date. There was a picnic basket- and he tripped over it." I started sobbing in the middle of speaking. "He tripped right out of the three house. Landing on his head. The doctors don't know if he'll make it. He's endured serious head trauma and he's in a coma."

Ash gasped and so did Jenna. "Will he be all right?" Jenna asked. "Oh I don't know. The love of my life is in a coma after the best night of my life. The doctors said that he'll most likely have a concussion. I don't know if he'll be okay!" I yelled and then ran to a nearby bathroom in the lobby.


I sat in the room, Dallon and Brendon visited next. A few hours after lunch. "I guess we'll never get our wedding." Dallon said jokingly. "That's a great joke to make at this time Dallon Weekes." I said in pain. Dallon looked down at the ground and started to cry.

"Good job Tyler, you made Dal cry." Brendon said and grabbed Dallon's hand. "It's not my fault he made an insensitive 'joke'." I replied to them both. Dallon ran away and Brendon started at me. "Look, Tyler, I know it seems like you lost Josh, but everything will be okay. That doesn't mean you have to snap like that at Dallon!" He said and then turned around, running after his fiancé.

I stared at sleeping Josh. "Why'd you have to leave me at a time like this?" I asked him, knowing I wouldn't have gotten a reply. "Why'd you have to take me on that stupid date!" I yelled before collecting my things and leaving.


Josh woke up two weeks later. I was on my way now to see him. "You'll know my face when you see it Joshy! You'll see me and you'll try to run to me. But you can't cause that's not safe. But we'll hug and we'll kiss and we'll be happy again." I told myself.

Once I arrived I ran straight to the desk. "Name?" The receptionist asked. I didn't know if she was asking for my name or for Josh's name, so I just gave her both. "My name is Tyler Joseph and I'm here to see Joshua Dun." I replied.

She printed out a slip, apparently she did want both. The slip had Josh's room number and his full name, along with my first and last name saying who I was and who I wanted. I followed the signs to room twenty one.

Josh was sitting up, an IV plugged into his arm. A doctor hunched over him. Ash, Jenna, Brendon and Dallon were watching him. I walked into the room, Joshua looked up at me. At first I thought I saw him smile. Then a confused look stretched across his perfectly carved face.

"Who are you?" He asked me. My heart crashed. This time I knew I couldn't tell reality from fiction. Did he really not remember me? Me? His own boyfriend? "Sir who are you?" The doctor asked. I handed her the slip with my name on it. "Tyler Joseph," she read aloud.

Ash looked at me. Horror stuck on her face. "Do you know a Tyler, Joshua?" The doctor asked Josh. He looked down to the ground, before looking back at me and then shaking his head. "Y-you don't remember me?" I asked and he shook his head again.

"Should I?" He asked. I felt my lip quiver. My knees turned to jelly. I felt like I could've died right then and there. Ash ran over to me and grabbed me, preventing me from falling. "Ashley, why are you holding this stranger?" Josh asked as Ash took me to a chair. "D-does he remember all of you?" I asked. Jenna nodded in the corner.

"Me... he doesn't remember me." I cried. Josh stared at me. As if he was trying to understand why I was so heartbroken. "I've never met you." He said, shrugging, "No point to remember you."

I think my heart broke.

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