♡ Chapter 3 - Library Memories ♡

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'His soulmate?'

I haven't heard that word in years, at least not referring to me. I was lucky I met my soulmate so early in life, some people don't meet theirs until they're old, but I had that luck snatched away from me once he had to move. But still, all that was left were happy memories...

~~ Flashback ~~

~ Alaina, age 16

"Ugh, I can't believe I forgot my backpack at the library AGAIN!" I groaned as I dragged my feet along back to the library, where I had just left after studying with Gina. 'Now... where did I leave it again?' My memory has always been trash for small things like this, but I was running out of patience so I just decided to look for it instead of trying to remember.

I was distracted, looking at the huge black stain on my left forearm. Most people had a small, delicate stain, for some you could barely even notice it... but not mine. My soulmate mark was huge, it covered most of my forearm and people found it weird. I guess that's one of the reasons why Gina was the only one who talked to me, she wasn't startled by my mark at all. Matter of fact, hers was even more odd. 

Gina's stain was invisible to the eye, why? Because her pitch black hair covered it. She had a small stain on her head, underneath all of her hair and when she found her soulmate, it was magical. She always told me about it, since it's her best and happiest memory. As she likes to describe it: "I had been walking around with a stupid leave in my hair and nobody was nice enough to tell me, until I was riding the bus back home and this tall boy approached me. He told me there was something in my head and reached over to grab it. That's when it happened."

She loves to describe how they watched his black fingertips burst into color, while she felt a tingling sensation on her head, now she has a quite charming rainbow strand of hair that contrasts well with her black hair, while I was stuck with this void looking stain on my arm.

Lost in my own thoughts, I managed to run in head first into somebody, but before I could fall to the ground, the dark haired boy in front of me grabbed my arm. My left arm. 

"Are you okay? I'm so sorry, I didn't see you..." his deep voice seemed to echo through the library, but I barely paid any attention to it. I could feel it. The tingling sensation on my arm as I starred into his eyes. It took him a few seconds to comprehend my shock, only feeling it himself afterwards. He immediately looked down to his palms, and both of us could only admire the warp of colors against our skin.

"You're my soulmate?"

~~ End of flashback ~~

"So you're telling me that ~MY~ soulmate is in charge of all of this?" I ask, the confused expression never left my face, and by now I'm just s h o o k

"Yup!" He said, popping the 'p' with his lips. "He runs the one of the biggest global crime syndicates in the world, and Seoul is now his, let's just say capital." I'm still in denial, how could my Felix, the same Felix that loves baking brownies for his friends and humming songs while brushing his teeth, how could HE be the boss of something that big? I mean, he is a wonderful leader and person in general, but c'mon now, he used to almost cry if I ever stepped on a ladybug.

"You're saying that my Lixie runs a MAFIA?!?!" Raising my eyebrows, I asked once more, I just have to be sure.

"Yes ma'am, that is exactly what I just said..." He answered with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Huh..." was all I could reply while I was engulfed by my thoughts. 'If his so called capital is here in Seoul, does that mean... I can... see him again?' I thought to myself. Then I had decided, I was more determined that ever. I texted Gina telling her to not wait for me, and that later I would call her to explain. I then stoop up with all my might, looked Minho in the eyes and said:

"C'mon, you're taking me to Lixie!" 

He just stood there looking at me. "Let's go! What are you waiting for?" I said as I snapped my fingers in front of his face.

"Oh sorry, that was just a very unexpected change of behavior." He said as he chuckeled.

"Well, I'm not scarred of you anymore, so congrats! You unlocked the real me!" I replied excitedly and he laughed a little.

"Oh, and ma'am? I don't think he'll appreciate you calling him Lixie..." he said with a look of concern on his face.

"Oh trust me, he will."


Wassup beauties? So I finally got to chapter 3, and I'm feeling quite good about myself. It's currently 2 a.m. and I can't sleep, so if there's too many mistakes, blame it on the night (hehe) and also, I am absolutely stoked for the next chapter, because I am pretty sure it will be replete of ✨f l u f f✨ and ya girl here loves fluff stories hehe.

A n d, 931 words... like, what? Where is this motivation when I'm writing school essays?

But anywho, love ya, see you next chapter and stay safe! 💛

• Did you know that otters sleep holding hands so they don't drift apart in the stream? ✊😔💛

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