♡ Chapter 9 - Jobless ♡

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•Alaina's POV•

Today me and the girls are going shopping, we just felt like we needed some time for ourselves. They all have been working hard these past couple weeks, I can see it, even though I know they're purposely not giving me much information to not worry me.

That only worries me.

These TXT people (yeah I know the name now, surprise surprise) are causing a problem, although I don't really know what it is, I just know it's big.

But enough negative thoughts! Today, I'm out and about with all the girls to unwind from all the stress, c'mon they deserve a day out.

Oh yeah, and by 'the girls' I mean Yeji, Lia, Ryujin, Chaeryeong, Yuna and of course, Gina. Although Gina did bring Jennie so she's included.

So here you have 8 girls skipping along the mall laughing like little fangirls while one trips on air occasionally. It's quite a sight to see.

After about 2 hours of:
    "Hmm, this is cute!"

        "Not for $35 it ain't!"
We make our way to the food court to grab some bobas. The shop had a lot of bright colors and shapes, it gave out strong 80's vibes. The sign read 'Harmony Boba' with triangles and circles decorating it.

We walked up to the counter as a young boy turned to take our order.

"Hello, welcome to Harmony Boba! How may I help you?" The line was clearly rehearsed, but he still delivered it with a smile.

"Hi um—" I read his name tag, "Jongseob! We would like (...)"

After we ordered we sat and talked a lil with Jongseob nearby until our name was called, well, Yeji's name. She insisted on treating us for boba today. Turns out he is as young as he looks, he's 16 working here as a part-time job. Oh shoot! I still need to find a job. Maybe this boba shop has a spot open?

"Since you are all just relaxing today, I gave you a little discount!" Jongseob said, whispering the last part, "feel free to come more often, it was lovely talking to you!"

"Thank you so much Jongseob, we sure will come again!" Yeji said as we picked up our own drinks and headed for a table to relax our legs after so much walking around. I mean seriously these girls have stamina for years, my soul.

"Hey guys?" I decided to bring it up, "Do y'all happen to know a place with any job openings?"

"Oh! You're looking for a job?" Yeji said after taking a sip of her drink.

"Yeah, but I'm not quite sure where to start, y'know?"

"There might be something back home, but I'm not quite sure of it." Lia said after some pondering.

"I would tell you to work at my dad's, but he insists that: 'Oh Jennie, I'm young and strong! I don't need anybody doing my job.'" She said mimicking her dad's voice, making all of us laugh. Ideas come and ideas go until Ryujin suggests:

"Why don't you just get a spot back at the Syndicate?" I ponder on that a little.

"I don't know, I don't think I would be qualified for anything"

"Oh please pipsqueak, your aim is insanely good. If somebody handed you a gun you could just go *pew pew* *pew pew* in a blink of an eye and not miss a single shot." Gina said whilst making finger guns.

"I don't know, the thought of guns still terrify me."

"I mean, no offense, but you're hyper and tiny. You'd do great with Hyunjinnie and me!" Yeji said clapping her hands.

"You sure? I barely know how anything works."

"Oh honey I'm positive! You'd do awesome! And if anything I can be your teacher around the 'undercover missions' area!"

"Ryunjin unnie and I can help you on dealing with suspects." Chae spoke up.

"Oh, and Yuna and I will have loads of fun picking your outfits!" Lia joined in the 'hype up Alaina cult'. After some thinking I finally said:

"Ok, I'll talk to Felix about it." The girls around me cheered and Gina kept telling me that I would be the baddest boss out there. That was until Jennie spoke up:

"Excuse me, what?" Oh yeah, Jennie doesn't know anything about Lixie. Whoops. I slowly explained what was going on to her, since we did get a lot closer than what we were in high school.

"Ok, wow. I did not expect that!" She said chuckling.

"I know right! Who would've thought her life would go from 'trash' to 'Disney movie' so quick!" Gina said making us all around the table laugh.


•Felix's POV•

I'm glad Alaina went out today, or she would've been as bored as a human can possibly be.

Today was all meetings and planning, talking and typing. We are working basically 15 hours a day trying to manage our situation with TXT. They've been a pain recently, I mean I always knew Yeonjun was a psychopath, but slowly torturing my staff just to turn around and leave a note saying: 'Maybe one day I can have some fun watching you suffer, Lee Felix. — Yeonjun <3' is just absolutely insane.

We've been trying to track him down but our progress is incredibly slow, and they just keep attacking, but today? Oh today was our lucky day. We found a lead, a huge one. This may finally mean some rest as we plan how we're going to get this to stop. Knowing where they're main base is gives us a massive advantage.

Finally. Some peace.

~Time skip~

*ring ring*

My phone rang just as we finished the last meeting. I pulled it out of my pocket to look at the caller ID before answering.

"Hey princess!"

"Hey bubba, I'm heading back home now. Oh, and when I get there I need to talk to you 'bout something."

"Ok love, be safe. See you in a little bit! Love you!"

"Love you too Lixie!"


Howdy there, how ya doin'?

First of all, I am so sorry for making TXT evil! (And for making Yeonjun a psychopath lol) I do really love them but idk Yeonjun seems like he would be the kind of extremely handsome psychopath that you wouldn't expect.

Second of all, I honestly think this is Beomgyu's era, like the perfection he is holding rn—

Third of all, I am very satisfied to have written exactly 1000 words in this chapter, tyvm.

But anyways, love ya! Till next time! 💕✨

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