♡ Chapter 7 - Catching Up ♡

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Alaina's POV•

As Lixie finished introducing everyone the Bang Chan guy stood up.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you in person, miss Kang!" He said reaching out a hand to greet me.

"I seem to get that a lot." I laughed, remembering how Minho said the same thing when he first met me. "Tell me Lixie, —" i said turning to face Felix, "do you talk about me often?" I asked in a teasingly tone.

"Oh he sure does!" Seungmin blurted out before Felix had a chance to say anything, making him slightly blush out of embarrassment.

"Seungmiiin~ don't rat me out like that!" He whined like a 5 year old. It feels nice to know that even though being the owner of something so big and constantly being pressured, he's still the same old teenager Felix.

I turned to look at Han Jisung

"Why do I feel like I've seen you before?"

"It's because you have, i used to sit next to you lover boy in high school." He said with a smirk.

"Wait... SQUIRREL BOY?" I practically yelled as he laughed.

"That's the one!" He replied, standing up to shake my hand for the first time in like, 6 years or so.

"Wow you've grown so much! Why did you do that? Nobody told you you were allowed to get taller than me!" I said in a joking manner, making us both laugh.

"He sure did." Minho said throwing an arm around Jisung's shoulders. "It's nice to see you again, miss Kang." He continued.

"Oh please y'all, call me Alaina" I told everyone with a smile.

"Okay Alaina~" Yeji started off, "this weekend us girls are heading out to go shopping, wanna tag along?"

"Oh please do come Alaina Unnie, it will be lovely to have you with us!" Yuna added while Chaeryeong nodded.

"Sure, I'd love to!" I can already tell me and the girls will get along like sisters.

"Ok, if everybody is done buttering up my girlfriend, we still have to finish that meeting on the TXT issue." He then faced me, "you can stay if you want, or maybe go see Gina."

"Yeah, I should probably get my stuff too. Ok, it was nice meeting all of you! I'll see you soon!" I the turned to Felix, " and I'll see you later." I finished and pecked his cheek, then made my way to Gina's place.


I grabbed my spare key to her apartment and walked in, only to find her sitting at a stool by the kitchen counter staring right at me.

"Took you long enough, pipsqueak" she stated, burning holes through my skull. She scares me sometimes...

"Ok, I know I took long to come but Lixie was introducing me to his friends!" I raised my hands in a defensive way.

"Sure, but c'mon tell me E V E R Y T H I N G!" She said and patted the stool next to her.

I filled her on everything that had happened, not daring to leave a single detail out, and considering how well she can tell when I'm lying or hiding something, it would've been impossible even if I tried. Ya know, bestfriend telepathy and all.

"— So yeah, I'm moving in with him." I finished off my story as she stared at me dumbfounded

"W h a t ...? What kind of life is that?!?! A Wattpad fanfic?!?!"

"I KNOW RIGHT?!?! But don't worry, I'm still finding a job to at least pay for my stay. I don't want to be a totally spoiled Y/n." We both laughed at our remarks, her laugh being slightly louder and more obnoxious than mine.

Gina is really lovely, she's very care free and smiley, loud, funny and relaxed, once you get close to her especially. Gina and I are like opposite sides of a coin. While she's very smiley and shy, I'm extremely sarcastic and extroverted, to opposite sides to the same coin, and I honestly couldn't live without her.

"Well, we should probably pack your stuff before you go right? Ooh ooh! And we can go by Mr. Kim's store and get some strawberry milk!" She exclaimed jumping up and down while clapping like a 5 year old. I seem to be extremely close to 5 year olds.

" Omg YES! Now c'mon, the earlier we pack the earlier we get strawberry milk!" When I began my strawberry milk addiction, I kinda dragged Gina, and later Felix into it. I can't help it, it's my duty to introduce them to the best drink out there.


Gina and I finished packing everything into one suitcase and headed out the apartment, I know, one suitcase ain't much, but I don't have that much stuff, and I decided to let go of some clothes since they barely fit me and gave them to Gina instead. Sure, she's a lot taller than me, but the girl's skinny, so most of it fit her.

We walked down the street with our arms linked, making our way to Mr. Kim's convenience store. Me and Gina have been going there since FOREVER! It's been our go to place to just relax or hangout, sometimes with his daughter.

"Oh my goodness, Gina and Alaina? Is it really you?!?!" Jennie Kim nearly screamed as we entered the store. She ran up to us and hugged us before proceeding, "I haven't seen the both of you in AGES!! Let me guess, you're here for strawberry milk?" We both nodded as she went to get two cartons.
"So, how has your lives been going?" She asked while we opened our cartons.

"Well I finally got my own apartment!"

"Gina, that's amazing! What about you Alaina?"

"Uh- umm—" I couldn't tell her I've accidentally found out my soulmate is a mafia leader! "I just finished paying off my mom's debit." Is all I gave away.

"Wow, that must've been hard on you. But hey, let's not focus on the past! Anyways, your total will be 13,500 won."

We paid and had a lovely chat with Jennie , who was helping her dad for the weekend before heading back to work.


"I should probably get going, it'll get dark soon." I said looking at the time.

"Okay, it was amazing seeing the both of you again! Please feel free to call me up at any time!" Jennie said with a huge smile. We then bid our goodbyes and me and Gina headed out.

"You can go ahead, I'll call Lixie to pick me up."

"Okay, be safe pipsqueak. And call me tomorrow!" She said before walking back to her apartment.



"Hey Lixie, I was wondering if you could pick me up?"

"Of course, my love! Where are you?"

"I'm in front of Mr. Kim's store."

"Oh, I remember that place! Don't worry, I'll be there in a bit."

And just like that I was in his car laughing as he sang 'TT' wholeheartedly while we headed back to... well, home.


Took me a while but I finally wrote another chapter, sorry for the wait, my hell— I mean, school just started for me this week.

Anyways, hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, and I'm thinking of adding a character page where I show all of them on pictures, what do you think about that?

That's it for today, love you, see ya next time! 💛✨


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