Chapter 02

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A yellow aurora surrounded the earth, what it looks throw the Ark window Shadow and the human girl are standing there standing at the earth. When the girl suddenly specked to the dark hedgehog, "Shadow! One day for sure, you're going to the earth to meet a lot of people and protect them!"

Shadow looked at his friend still looking to the earth, he was confused for what she was saying, "I wish that we can go together and see the real tings there, but my grandfather won't let me had a chance to see it. But you can go out there meet with them and maybe you could find a special girl that will make you happy. I just know it!"

"Maria! I don't know anything at all... Do you really think that some girl could possible accept a life-form who doesn't know what Love is? No, I don't think so!" He low his head down for disappointed.

Maria touch his cheek to looked at her, "Listen to me, Shadow! You have a heart that will show you what is true mean to fell in love with someone that you care. Besides, how can you protect something if you don't know what love is...? You can show them that you have a heart. Like I care about you my friend..."

Suddenly Shadow open his eyes and see that he's in the medal room lying in bed with a pink hedgehog purring in her sleep. He takes a deep breath to calm himself, 'It's just a dream!' he said it in his thought.

He looked at the sleeping pink; smirked to remember those moments he had with her earlier. As he softly wipes the girl hair off her face, he saw her cheek was red and her breathing wasn't that much heavier, but he could sense a warm comes from her mouth. When he places his hand on her forehead, he suddenly felt her head is burn!

"She had a fever!"

He gets up from the bed slowly so he wouldn't wake the pink up. Then he pulled his socks, shoes on and walked slowly out of the room, to bring come medicine and cold water for her.

When Shadow walked to towards where's Dr. Eggman usually be. When he enters to the room he saw Rouge and Eggman are watching the news footage of Prison Island. The assignments that he left Rouge to take charge to finish the job. The entire island has been destroyed; it was part of their plan to blow the holy island including Sonic as well, but he managed to escape by his friend's after Amy had failed to save him. The cameras had revealed that Sonic made it out in a few seconds before the island flipped to sink.

Shadow cursed under his breath, both Rouge and Eggman couldn't tell what he was saying exactly, but they can hear him.

Shadow still stared at the monitors; his eyes full of rage for failing to kill the blue hedgehog. When he felt a hand on his shoulder he peeked at Eggman out standing right beside him, "Don't worry about it, Shadow! It's not liked our plan has failed to get the job done. We've got the Chaos Emerald to get the Clubs Canon work out, to actually benefit for us, as it should be." Dr. Eggman said to him calmly.

"Whatever! I came to see if our plan has actually work, but I can see it wasn't, as it should be!" Shadow said, as his voice sound calm, but he's still angry.

"Hehe... It seems like you have been so busy to deal with pink hedgehog, hon! Amy sure hasn't trying to discrete about it either, right!" Rouge spoke to him, as she flashing him with her batty smirk.

"What would you know? I have been watched this pink one about a few hours, not letting her escaped to help Sonic."

"Well... Let just say it must have been a sound echoing." The bat smirked him again.

"Whatever, I'm going to the kitchen to get some water. I'll be in my room if you needed me." Shadow said, as he turns his back away from them and headed to the kitchen.

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