Chapter 04

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In the meantime, back on earth it was sundown and Sonic still searching for Eggman baes to find Amy.

Then he suddenly saw Eggman on TV telling the people he had an exclusive surprise and to look at the sky?! There was something glowing on the sky and it headed to the moon.

Then the light hit the moon and it slashed in half.

All the people on earth has gone panic to see what happen to the moon and even Sonic's friends saw that too, "That came from My Eclipse Cannon. New if you don't surrender for the Eggman empire for 24 hours, I'll use this cannon to blow you planet away. Hehehe..." Eggman laughed on TV.

"I got find a way to stop him..." Sonic said, as he looked at the moon, "I just hope Amy's okay... I'll find a way to bring her back no matter what."

At the same time:

Amy felt something shake the ground. 'What is going on out there? What's Eggman he up too now?' she asked herself, as all the questions revolve around her head!!

She looked back at Shadow, as he still holding her, "Shadow, what is going on out there? What's all the shake has just happened?" she asked him.

"It's nothing! Don't worry about it." Shadow answered calmly, as his eyes close to sniff her hair.

Amy still confusing about this, what if something happens on earth, as she knows so much about Eggman's plan. He'll do whatever it takes control the Emerald to rule the world, but she wouldn't let him.

As she tries to stand up, but Shadow's stop her by grabbed her arm, "Where do you think you're going?" he asked.

"I'm going to find out what's Eggman up too?" Amy said, as she tried to liberate herself from him.

"You're not allowed to go anywhere until it's over."

"What is that supposed to mean?" she asked again, but this time it doesn't sound good at all.

"You don't have to know, what is gone happen to earth, as long as you're safe her with me."

Amy's eyes wide to hear him say, as her heart beats hard by the sound of his voice. So, that means Eggman has do something on earth and that it explained of shaking had just happen now and Shadow is agree to let him do this.

'No, Nononono.... This can't be happening.' Amy said to herself, 'Shadow is helping Eggman to rule the earth and I have this feeling he'll destroy Sonic and my friend also. No... I can't let this happen.' As she finally free herself from him and...

Piko! Poof

She brat her Hammer out to fight this dark hedgehog.

"Don't waste you strange to fight me, Rose! Your too weak against me." Shadow says looking at her, as he still sitting on the ground.

"I don't care! As long as I'll stop you from destroy the earth and hurt my friends." Amy tried to hold her fear looking at his cold blood colored eyes, as she stood there getting ready into her battle pose.

Then the dark hedgehog stands up and looked at her smiling, "I would like to see how you can fight me! I wouldn't go easy on you, if you're strong."

"I can do better then you! You'll see." She began to attacked hold up to her Hammer to smack him, but he suddenly vanishes right where he was.

"Too slow." He was right behind her whisper in her ear. She quickly moves away so, she can attack again, but then he vanishes yet again.

Amy looked around the place when she heard a noise from above, "Too slow again." He uses his fist to punch her, but fortunately she was cover herself by her Hammer and flew back. She hit the grass and shouted in pain. Amy glares at Shadow 'He's too strong.' She said in her thoughts, 'But I wouldn't give up.' She wiped her face and stood up.

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