Chapter 03

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Shadow opened his eyes. He looked down and noticed that Amy still sleeping, as he touches her forehead and the fever have gone down. No matter how much he thought this, Shadow would never admit that he thought the girl was cute when she blushed. He sniffed her hair to sense the rose still at her, "How beautiful..." He said to himself.

Shadow was worried about that Sonic would come to looking for her. He honestly wanted to keep her here with him and he won't let this blue hedgehog character take her away. So, he began to get out of the bed once again and walked out of the room.

Shadow took a deep sigh; he didn't know what went wrong. He never had any feeling throw the pink girl!! Is it because she has the same Maria soul that made him felt safe when he sleeps with her? He was being lonely since he lost her. She was the one friend as he seeing her like an old sister, she taught him many things when he was young. He enjoyed listen to her stories about her dreams and what would she always want to do. He loved Gerald Robotnik and Maria so much, as he could never forgive G.U.N for what they did to them. He didn't understand and never wanted to. So, he just let it go.

Shadow is still in deep thought as he reaches to the main room where Dr. Eggman and his two robots helping him by placing the Emeralds on the canon. He didn't see the Bat with him, it seem that Eggman has send her to do the other mission.

When he walks in, Dr. Eggman noticed him came, "Ah... Finally!! It about time you came out of your hide out, Shadow! You supposed to help Rouge to find the last Chaos Emeralds, while you are busy doing other things with that pink hedgehog of yours."

Shadow didn't say anything as he continues walking to see the hologram data.

"Listen, Shadow! I didn't wake you up so you can make love with Sonic fan girl. We have a lot of work to complete Clips Canine, so we can control the universe together. Now get back to work!" Eggman gave an order.

"He's probably not listening to any word what doctor said!" Decoe whispered to his friend Bocoe.

"I can see on his face that he looks different from the first time we saw. He seems to be drowning deeply in thought, thinking of something! What do you think?" Bocoe said.


There is something that Shadow couldn't understand about Sonic fan girl? Why is she with that blue hedgehog for any chance? Are they related or they just friends?

"Dr. Eggman!" He asked the human, "What the reason that Sonic so concern about the pink one?"

"Well, Sonic had saved her from Metal Sonic years ago. And she thinks that blue hedgehog is in love with her, but he doesn't care about love. All he wants is running and have fun with his friends. I don't see any relationship between them so............" A silence for a moment, then he realizes for what he's saying, "WHY IN THE WORLD ARE YOU ASKING ABOUT THEM?" He yelled at Shadow, as he made him jumped from his scream, "Have you forgot your mission to deal with our rival!! We have to finish this job before they found us. NEW GET TO WORK AND HELP ROUGE OUT."

Unfortunately for Shadow didn't hear most of the words for what Eggman said, so he just nodded at him and began to work.

In the meantime, in Chris Grandpa's Lap:

Tails and Chuck are working to search for Amy and the others watching the New. As for Sonic was laid close his eyes to get some rest, "The team has now report that everyone mated out safely."

When Cream went to Tails, as she holds Chees on her arms, "Tails! Have you found anything about Amy?"

"No, not yet! But we're still looking." Tails answer her, as he still looked at the monitor.

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