Chapter 05

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Form outside space where there's a space ship flying in the direction to the Colony Ark. It's Sonic and his friend are headed there to stop Eggman and save Amy.

They're getting so close to the Ark, "We almost there, guy! We just have to make sure that it safe to get closer!" Tails said to his friends Sonic and Knuckles.

"Let's hope so!" Knuckles said.

"We will, but first we have to find Amy and stop Eggman's plans from destroyed the earth. If Shadow has done anything to hurt her, I'll make sure he'll...!" before he could say more, but Knuckles interrupt him.

"Well, well... Sonic the Hedgehog, since when you start to worry about Amy safely?" Knuckles smirked him, "Are you going to save her because you love her or you just gone do your job as a Hero."

Sonic rolled his eyes, "Shut up, you Knucklehead! You don't know anything about it. Amy is my friend and someone I care about!"

"Well do you??" Knuckles asked.

As Sonic was about to say it, but he didn't have any idea of what he was gone say!! What if he was right! Does he really do care about her or was he just want to be a hero to save the world.

"Knock it off you guys! It's not the time to fight. We have to figure out how we can destroy that weapon before Eggman use it again." Tails has a good point.

As the two sits on their seats and focused a mission to save the world.

As they getting closer, the hole cannons are ready to prepared for any intruders. So, they have to go slow for not draw attention to them, but before all the sudden when Knuckles sense the Master Emerald close by as he starts to make the ship shacking, as the all cannons start to fire at they, "Stop it you Knucklehead! You gone get us killed." Sonic yelled at him.

"The Master Emerald is nearby I can feel it."

"Alright Stop it, we're going in there just let go off the wheel." Tails tried to control the ship, but unfortunate to them the ship has already directly while a route and swerves the shuttle off course, causing them to crash into Ark and ran into it, they managed to get inside without being hated.

Knuckles was the first came out of the ship and ran quickly to where he felt the Master Emerald is. As for Sonic and Tails are inside X Tornado, "That idiot has almost got us killed." Sonic said in anger.

"Well, at least we made inside safely...! Now it's our chance to find Amy and stop Eggman." Tails explained, as they're ready to go.

'Hang in there Amy, I'm coming.' Sonic thoughts.

Inside Space Colony Ark:

In the meantime, Rouge obtains the password to search any information on Project Shadow. She finds some of his secret. Then she starts downloading all the dude on disk and began to go find the Chaos Emeralds.

But before she does, Shadow interrupts her. He knows she is a spy and they accuse each other, seemingly with equal merit of invading privacy and being an impostor.

"You have been government spy all this time." Shadow said.

"Uh-ha, now that I have in my hand this hot little disk here, I'll think I will make my exit here if you don't mind."

"I Won't Do That If I Were You!" Shadow growled.

"That's pretty fun coming for you, hon!!" Rouge said calmly.

"What do you mean?" Shadow was confusing of what she said.

"What exactly are you, Shadow? Are the original or you're just the fake one?" Rouge explained to him, as she could see in his eyes that he confused of what he heard.

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