Chapter 06

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As were heroes are trapped inside the Space Colony ARK, trying to risky Amy and stop Eggman from his plane. When Eggman was about to use the canon again, it turns out that he got blast by his grandfather Dr. Robotnik. According to his reviews that he'll wipe out the planet earth to seek of revenge from the past.

Robotnik meant what he said. The old man had worked in genetics and he wanted to be better with his research, proving the superiority of machines over organics. But now...

The ARK is about to reach to the atmosphere, Sonic and his friends has found Amy, but Shadow has showed up in time, as he looked into Sonic is holding Amy close to him and their eyes connected in rage.

"I said, keep your dirty hand off her, Faker!!" Shadow repeat of what he said.

Sonic moved her behind his back to protect her, "Stay away from her...!!" his voice sound in anger.

"S-Sonic! Please...!" Amy begging him to stop.

"If you don't move!! You're dead Hedgehog." Shadow warns him, as about to attack him.

"Really, I would like to see you try?" Sonic growled at him.

"Alright you two, that's enough!" Rouge trying to stop them, "This is not the time to get the bride. We've got series situation and we need to find away how're we gone stop the ARK?"

"Who said I'll help you to stop it!?" Shadow said.

Everyone in this room were in shock to hear him.

"This is what Dr. Robotnik has be work it on to get his revenge of the humans did! When he began to his research to make things good, that's why he created me to help, but the human leader of project was worried that he'll used me to take over the world. So, they assault to his lap on ARK, then... They toke Maria!" The last word of his mouth has made him bite his lips and pressing his wrist.

Amy could see him upset and pain by the looks on his eyes.

"They toke Dr. Robotnik life on purpose. So, instead of helping them! He'll get revenge on them. Now he's gone and I have to carried on his order without question and to bring the tattle destruction to the earth."

Amy has been terrified to hear him saying, how could he do this? After all this time, he's still wanted to destroyed the earth.

"That was the same word of my grandfather from his diary!!" Eggman said with surprised.

"Well if that what you gone do, then don't try to stop us from stopping the ARK, if you do! Then you have to get though me!" Sonic said to Shadow.

"Humph!" Shadow look away just to ignore him, as he walks away to leave them.

Amy couldn't believe of what just happened, "Did he really mean of destroy us all?" As she Rouge.

"I don't know. I suspect that losing Maria changed him. What I do know is that after today, he will only be remembered as a villain, whether or not that's fair." Rouge the bat, spoke with the earnest and sadness.

Amy still couldn't believe that she had to hear of what Rouge said. As her tears start to fall.

Shadow couldn't leave his eyes on Amy, as he can see her eyes are tear up because of him, then he vanished.

"The energy of Chaos Emeralds is transforming the Clubs Canon into Mega Boom. If it detonated the blast well be more massed then a Super Nova!" Eggman explained.

"The energy from Chaos Emeralds is also pushing us into a planet! We have to get the emerald or deactivated it somehow?!" Tails said with Eggman.

"Knuckles!" Sonic said, as the others looked to the red Echidna.

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