The Boy

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"Kitty. Wake up. Your food arrived! C'mere!" Shouto opened one eye and saw a small can in front of his nose. Its lid was peeled open, revealing its juicy, meaty contents. His feline instincts took over and he pounced straight for the can, gobbling the food up as fast as he could. For not having eaten in days, ground turkey smelled like something that came straight from the heavens.

No promises broken yet, he mentally listed. Still, he avoided eye contact with the boy throughout his meal.

Once he was done cleaning the entire inside of the can, he flopped over, still hungry. He went to catnap right then and there, dreaming about turkey and gravy. His stomach still howled in protest, even in sleep. He felt the human lift him off the ground and place him somewhere soft. 

He heard interesting things. Packages being ripped open, parcels being unwrapped, boxes being lifted. He kept asleep through all the noise, not bothering to wonder what the human was doing now. At least sleep gave him some relief from hunger.

Shouto woke late in the afternoon and saw a red dish full of water, along with a white dish filled with little brown pellets. They came in strange shapes and colors and smelled like food. He wrinkled his nose. This was supposed to be edible? What happened to the wonderful poultry meal he had eaten earlier?

Oh well, this was cat food. If he were still human he would have vomited, but having a feline brain made him enjoy these types of meals.

He took a hesitant bite. It crunched in his teeth and he grumbled. He loathed the texture already. The taste wasn't so bad, and he was hungry anyway, so he kept eating. He soon realized that the dry meal had filled him up much quicker than the turkey. Begrudgingly full, he lifted his chin from the bowl and flinched at the sight of the entire room, doing a double-take.

The space had changed drastically. Various toys, all interesting colors, were laid out on the floor of the living room. A felt tower, with various platforms, scratching posts, and hanging toys, was set in a corner. There was even a cat flap installed on the front door of the apartment.

His jaws fell open. It's beautiful! Immediately, he turned in the complete opposite direction of the room and leaped into one of the cardboard moving boxes. He did this... all for me! Does this mean he's my Master now that he's caring for me? In that case, I must be his Familiar. If I never turn back ever again, I'd be glad to spend my life with this boy. He hadn't felt this overjoyed ever since he was a human.

His green-haired Master facepalmed, yet remained patient and spoke to him in that gentle voice. "Kitty! Don't you want to try out your new toys and cat tree?" Izuku reached both hands to him.

But this box is so interesting, thought Shouto irritably. It smells so boxy. I like the box. Keep me in this box. He mewed innocently and recoiled from his Master's touch.

Izuku sighed. "Alright, Kitty. Stay there for as long as you want, I guess." It was kind of cute how he sucked on the tip of his tail when he slept. He really was just like a baby.


After exploring his new kingdom for a while and eating his evening dinner, Shouto was just about to settle down when he heard crying coming from his Master's room. He padded to the closed door of the room and stuck his paw under to reassure him.

Moments later the door opened, and a very disheveled-looking Izuku stepped out and picked him up. The boy pressed his face into Shouto's fur and collapsed onto the bed. The chimera cat smelled a mix of fear and broken sorrow in his human scent. It wasn't good.

Shouto tried to combat this by kneading his Master's chest and lapping at the tears that dripped down his face, but the tears kept coming and Shouto felt like if he didn't do something fast, the whole room would be inundated with a flood.

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