The Past

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Author's Note: Shouto's backstory, featuring Too Much Angst

Shouto listened intently with one eye open as Izuku plucked the dusty telephone from its case with a shaky hand. "H- hello?"

Shouto nearly passed out from relief when he heard the voice at the other end of the line. "Oi, Deku. I don't have your fucking number so I'm using the damn telephone. What took you so long to pick up the fucking phone?"

"I- er -"

"It was a rhetorical question, dammit! Is your roommate here? I need to speak to him."

"Um, is this regarding something I know about, Kacchan? Because I think I know the reason you're calling. And no, he isn't available," Izuku added.

The other line was silent for a moment. Then, Bakugou's voice became softer, yet still irritated. "Then just bring him over, damn nerd. It's pretty dark outside anyway." It's been confirmed now. He knows.


Izuku hurried across the street, cradling Shouto, who was swaddled in his human clothes. (Along with socks and Crocs.) He knocked on the door and Bakugou threw it open immediately. "Get in here, nerd," was all that came out of his mouth before he slammed the door and locked it.

"Hey, dude!" Kirishima greeted with a cheery wave. "So is that him?" he asked, gesturing to the ball of fur wrapped in the familiar t-shirt and shorts. Izuku placed the delicate bundle on the sofa and the chimera kitten slithered out, tail twitching. "Aaaaaah! He's so cute!" Kirishima gushed as Bakugou gave him a look of absolute betrayal.

Izuku sighed, flopping onto the couch to stroke Shouto between the ears. "So you probably know what happened because of the news."

"Yeah, no shit, Sherlock," scoffed Bakugou. "We actually heard it later than we should have because someone was busy stealing my Eijirou's love and affection." He sent a pointed glare at the cat. 

Kirishima was examining Shouto. "His manly scar even looks intimidating in cat form." Shouto swatted his hand away when he tried to touch it.

"You better explain this shit, Deku," said Bakugou, his voice quiet yet restrained. "Look, I'm not stupid. If Half 'N Half came crawling to you instead of trying to get back to that scientist fucker, who probably has the fucking antidote, who the actual hell is his father? And what kind of hellhole does he live in?"

"His father, Dr. Todoroki Enji," explained Izuku, his voice wavering, "is abusive. I don't know what kind, but I think he got the scar on his left eye from a kettle burn, so it might have been physical abuse. Is that right?" he asked the kitten, who had been listening attentively. 

Shouto touched the tip of his nose to Izuku's. "Does that mean yes?" Another nose touch. "Okay, what means 'no?'" A sharp nip to the nose. "Ow!"

Kirishima chimed in, "Did he force you to take the antidote against your own will?" It was directed at Shouto, who promptly bumped his nose again. The red-haired boy frowned deeply. "I won't stand for this! Consent is very important. That is extremely unmanly of Todoroki!"

"Plus, he fucking lied in the interview," fumed Bakugou, who looked like he was trying not to care, but couldn't help it.

Izuku sighed, opening the bathroom door and placing Shouto inside, along with his clothes. "Do you mind if Shouto changes in your guys' bathroom?" He closed the door. "I'll take that as a yes. His mind needs to be extremely focused for the transformation to work, and he needs to tell us exactly what happened when he got injected. Plus, I don't think any of you want to see him nude." 

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