The Restaurant

110 9 4

Author's Note: It's time for a long chapter. :>

Shouto awoke the next morning bright and early. It was his second-to-last day living with his boyfriend before he turned himself in, so he wanted to make this day special. Kissing his Izuku on the brow, he watched as the green-haired boy opened his eyes slightly and stirred for a moment. "I'm leaving, Izu," he reminded, rubbing his shoulder gently and pecking his nose.

After a quiet "Mhhhmm..." from Izuku as confirmation that he was listening, Shouto dressed, put on his jacket and choker, and slipped out the door as quietly as possible. 

There he knocked on Kirishima and Bakugou's door. Unsurprisingly, only Kirishima answered. "Well, we ordered more lights and put the extra flowers into a vase like you wanted. The lights are over in the package in the corner. Other stuff you requested is in there along with the lights. Our first order of business would be going grocery shopping, but as you know, Katsuki isn't much of a morning person. So I'll help you with everything else until he wakes up."


Izuku woke at ten, unconsciously hugging Shouto's pillow, which still had some of his scent lingering on it. He whined as he yawned, expecting arms to wrap around him. Then it hit him that Shouto had left the house a few hours ago.

Still not wanting to get up, Izuku made a makeshift Shouto by rolling his blankets up and hugging them instead. He sighed. What was Shouto doing these days, spending so much time with his neighbors? Sure, he'd had Shouto to himself for five out of seven days, but still! He started to get jealous of how much time Shouto was spending with the neighbors. He didn't even know what Shouto was doing at their house, but now he was very curious about what was going on.

He texted their group chat, but as soon as he typed a single word, a notification sounded on his phone. A private message. HEY DEKU, it read, IM COMING OVER TO SCRIMMAGE. ILL BEAT YOUR DUMB ASS. BE READY OR ILL FUKING KILL YOU.

Izuku sighed and made himself get out of bed. He texted back. ill be there in a moment kacchan....

Meanwhile, Shouto was breathing a huge sigh of relief as he saw the message. "Now that the bastard's keeping him busy, drape that lace over the couch. Also, set up the ballet bar on top of your two high stools, and then move it to separate the kitchen and the table," he instructed.

Kirishima stared at the final product. "It looks pretty cheap to me, to be honest, but I can fit under it without bending my knees, which is great!"

"Now find two blankets and drape them over it. That might work to hide the bar, and although it'll still look cheap to use blankets as curtains, remember this is quarantine. Anything can be a curtain if you try hard enough."


Izuku rushed at the basketball hoop, dunking it cleanly into the basket. Bakugou grumbled and took it reluctantly as it passed through the hoop, dribbling it back to the starting point of the "court" - approximately fifteen feet away from the basket. 

Having the same amount of stamina as the opponent was the toughest challenge for both boys. They'd start tiring at almost the exact same time, meaning they couldn't play the game of cat and mouse like they would when scrimmaging with other teammates. One of the strategies they shared when playing one-on-one was to keep the ball away from the opposing side, letting them tire, and dunking the ball as the timer started to run dry. But now that the match was even, there were more opportunities to observe the chinks in each other's armor.

Bakugou faked to the left, knowing the movement wouldn't faze Izuku at all. As Izuku prepared to pivot to the right, looking to intercept the other boy, Bakugou followed through to his left side and shoved past him. The satisfaction of getting past Izuku's nearly-impenetrable defense got to Bakugou's head, and he missed his shot. Both boys leaped to catch the rebound, Bakugou scoring the point due to his superior height. However, they both knew that this round had been an empty victory. Bakugou practically threw away his first shot.

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