The Gift

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It had been a rough quarantine week for Izuku.

First, he'd developed a huge crush on Shouto, who was only supposed to be his Familiar, and nothing more. How could he not? He was kind, sweet, handsome, helpful around the house, and a bit goofy at times too. He laughed at Izuku's jokes, while also respecting his personal space when he worked. (Only sometimes. He still loved attention when he was in his cat form.)

Second, he couldn't rest a single second without Cat Shouto bounding in with a dead creature in his jaws. Ever since he saw Izuku keeping some of the pigeon feathers, he'd been keeping track of which types of prey Izuku seemed to "like" and which ones he "disliked." Izuku was frustrated that Shouto kept bringing him animal carcasses, but he was also battling his flaming crush on the boy and couldn't really get mad.

Shouto, on the other hand, was elated that his Master was accepting his tokens of gratitude. Mentally, he had made a list of what his Master preferred.

He hated rats and mice alike. Those he would throw away as soon as possible, not caring if it was right in front of Shouto's face.

He'd only accepted that one pigeon before, and he wasn't accepting more than he already had.

He'd accepted a red cardinal, but the second one he rejected.

He'd accepted a squirrel so far, but Shouto never knew what he did with it. Izuku had told him to stay inside the house while he went outside to do something with the corpse. The body of the squirrel was never seen again.

And lastly, he didn't like rabbits. 

Shouto was enjoying quarantine so far as a cat, for it meant that no human would interrupt his kills. And he would visit the neighbors' house through the cat flap, change quickly, and then settle with the two to play video games. They'd always tell him to never come at noon, but they never specified the reason for this strange dilemma. Shouto had a few guesses as to why.

Meanwhile, Izuku would retreat to his room to work on a few "quarantine projects." Shouto wasn't sure what he was working on, but as long as he was keeping himself busy and happy, Shouto figured it wasn't time to interrupt him.


"This food is quite good," remarked Shouto as he sat on the couch with Bakugou and Kirishima. The game they were playing had been paused. "But next time, can you please not add so much spice? I'm not able to handle this much."

"Your loss, Half 'N Half," sneered Bakugou with his mouth full of curry.

"You've got something on your cheek, babe," laughed Kirishima. Slowly, the redheaded boy stooped down and gently licked the mess off his lover's face. 

"Stop it, Eijirou, you're not a fucking dog," scolded Bakugou, but Shouto was certain that the redness of his face wasn't coming from the heat of the curry. 

The dual-haired boy began to space out, imagining the same scenario, except with him and Izuku. He was very cute and sometimes a little messy. It could happen. Shouto thought of his actual human tongue - not cat tongue - tracing a path along Izuku's skin. His skin probably tasted like cinnamon. And the texture would be as soft as the fluffiest pancake in the world. He'd be able to run his tongue over those cute freckles of his. Maybe bite his skin and leave a mark too. And - wait a minute... 

He stopped thinking. Were these thoughts normal? He had these kinds of fantasies almost every night, so it seemed casual, just thinking about intimate activities involving Izuku. But it just seemed strange to him. All this time he'd been treating Izuku as his caretaker, or a best friend, or maybe a parent of some sorts. But he never thought of caretakers, best friends, and certainly not parents the way he thought about Izuku.

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