Chapter One. Meeting

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"It is true, the seers have spoken. In the coming years, the prophecy will begin," King Pádraig announced to the people assembled in his war room.

Of course, to call these ten people, "people" would be entirely laughable, seeing as they were the ruling families of all werewolves.

"And of course, you had to be the first one to know about this," boomed a voice belonging to Chief Cochise.

"Come now, brother, you know why that is," King Anatoly cajoled.

They all knew why. The Seers would usually gather in Northern Ireland when bidden by the Moon Goddess. A fortnight ago, King Pádraig and his Queen were summoned to the Magick Circle to hear the Seers' warnings.

"Tell us again," Queen Alma demanded, her mate and King gathering her closer.

King Pádraig sighed. And then he opened his mouth to speak.

"A fire is ignited, futures begin
For the fates of six are foretold herein
A brewing darkness in the First World spreads
Breeding an army of thousands of heads

The heir of the daughter of the Rose Throne
Will be cast out by her mate of skin and bone
The sword will reveal a mate of the soul
Born of Earth, a reward more precious than  gold

A bond chosen will be forged in fire
A joining to come from love's desire
Both left by their beloved, healed by the other's light
Blessed by Water to be used in The Fight

A connection hidden by those in fear
Serves as a warning for those listening 'ere
For she might end him, but she will end all
A daughter of Air, a raven enthralled."

This was said in an airy, feminine voice. All looked at Queen Aurore, who spoke. She was white, but so should she be, as her family was the only one named in the prophecy. And if it was her future daughter that they were talking about...

She cradled her rounded belly, wishing that none of this would come to pass. But it was a fool's wish, she knew. For most prophecies that had been given had already come to pass.

King Pádraig sighed wearily. He felt his mate's arm wound around his stomach and he drew strength from it.

"Fellow rulers, we still do not know if this will happen in the next generation or the one after that. What we do know is that we should listen to it," he looked around at the Kings and Queens around him. He knew how they felt. It would have been different if the prophesied war came during their time, because no parent would want their progeny to endure it themselves. But there it was. The prophecy stated that it would not be them, the royals in this room, who would have to face it, but their children, or their grandchildren, who haven't even been born yet.

As his eyes roamed around the room, he saw four mate pairs trying to console each other, trying to assure each other.

There was the Royal couple from Russia, King Anatoly and Queen Alavtina Volkov. They had their arms around each other, both deep in thought. But as they were famous for it, they showed no emotion on their faces. King Pádraig thanked his stars that he refused that card game Anatoly invited him to when they were younger.

King Abraham and Queen Alma Baccay from the Philippines were more open about their emotions. They, like him and his mate, were not sure where their child or grandchild would fit in the prophecy. It was clear, though, that none of their line would be spared.

To his left, the Apache Royals, Chief Cochise and his mate, Chieftess Hialeah were murmuring to each other in tones so low, not even King Pádraig's wolf ears could catch what they were saying. Not that he tried, as their privacy deserved respect.

He still wasn't trying but he clearly heard Queen Aurore cry into her King's chest, "She will be rejected! No one deserves that!" In turn, King Guillaume, her mate, soothed her by stroking her back as she cried.

He looked down at the fiery hair below his chin. He unwound one of his Queen's arms from his waist. He brought her hand to his mouth and kissed it.

"Hush now, my Queen, we will get through this. The Goddess will help us. Hush now, Aoibhinn, everything will be okay."


Since nobody was calm enough to continue their meeting after the prophecy was communicated by the Irish King, the Royal Families met again the following day before the other four mate pairs were to leave for their own homes.

"I think it's safe to say that we should be in constant communication. Especially since we had no idea about this 'brewing darkness' the prophecy talked about. Have you heard anything about it, Chief Cochise, Chieftess Hialeah?" Queen Alavtina asked.

The Chief shook his head, "No, this is the first we have heard of this. But since the prophecy clearly mentioned the First World, we will send scouts to seek information from the packs in America."

"Good idea, but tell them to be of utmost discretion. I have a feeling that if the threat is large enough to warrant a prophecy, it would be safe to say that some established packs all over the world have something to do with it," King Abraham spoke up.

"We agree," said Queen Aoibhinn. "We will send scouts as well to speak discreetly to our trusted packs here in Ireland. We must maintain an open line of communication so we can exchange information as they come."

She turned to the French Royals.

"Guillaume, Aurore, I despise the future that awaits your progeny. But as yours is the only one named in the prophecy, we all must know which generation this war is to make itself known so we can all prepare ourselves."

King Guillaume nodded. "We shall know in about eighteen years, my friends. We shall let you know once it has been revealed to us."

He stood up and the others followed suit. He took his mate's hands and clasped it tight as they all walked to the cars waiting for them outside the palace doors.

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